Dear Ava,
One year ago today, you completed our family.

One year ago today, I held you in my arms for the first time.

You have changed our lives and I wouldn't change anything for the world.

You were so tiny. You weighed 24 lbs. And today, you weigh 33lbs.

You were the shy, timid little girl. And now you are so strong willed.

You can say the ABC's and count to 10 (with the exception of the number 3) :)

Your favorite book is "Buzzy the Bumblebee" and we read it EVERY NIGHT.

After we read stories at night, we hold hands and sing "You Are My Sunshine"

Even though you don't care to sleep, I value our "snuggle time" in the mornings

I love hearing you say a new word or expression.

I love that you know when I'm sad and need a hug.

I love when you think I'm silly and giggle!

You love your pretzels and M&M's

And still con us for treats when you go potty

You recently have taken a liking to Olivia the Pig and Elmo is phasing out.

More than anything, Ava Kate, I love being your mommy!

You are the most AMAZING thing that has ever happened to me.

I will do anything to protect you and keep you from hurt.

Happy Gotcha Day, Baby!

I can't wait to celebrate many more with you!

You are my girl!

My lovey!

My Ava Kates!!

Thank you for being my daughter!

Bless you, baby!!

I love you!!
PS: This is one day early, but I want to spend every minute with you tomorrow!!
And if you are interested, here is the
post from last year.