Sunday, October 24, 2010

We're in Shanghai!

Not much new to report...We got up this morning and met in the lobby at 9:30 for the shuttle to the airport. We had a very uneventful flight to Shanghai. Our guide for this week is named Sandra. She is so sweet and has a great English! Our hotel is not what we hoped for. We had to call the front desk numerous times for different reasons. The alarm clock didn't work, the internet didn't work, we didn't have a remote for the TV. And John had to double check to make sure our bed wasn't just box's really hard. :(

But in better 12 hours we get to meet Ava!!! 12's so hard to believe! Everything has lead up to this moment! Stay tuned...

Oh, and just one more thing...I have to share a traumatizing moment in China. I have done everything to avoid this. Have waited in long lines, held it for unbelievable times. But this was a time where I had no choice. I had to suck up and do it. So, I did. And I won't again....EVER!!!

Until tomorrow...
Sara & John

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