Thursday, October 28, 2010

Ava is a Daddy's Girl!!!

There is no doubt about it...Ava is a daddy's girl! Here is my current view...

John just walked down to get us some food and she threw an absolute fit! I tried to sidetrack her with food, but that didn't work. She wants her daddy.
Today started out rough, again. :(

Every morning is like starting at square one. But she is definitely getting better and better every day. Today we did a tour of the city. John and I asked that we do it in the afternoon so that we could get her lunch and a nap beforehand. Well, did she call our bluff on that one! She wouldn't go to sleep! She is going on zero nap. But she did surprisingly well for no sleep.

We did a boat tour down the river and then went to China Town. Now, let me tell you, China Town was completely overwhelming for me, so imagine a two year old little girl with people she has only known for 4 days and no nap. She threw a couple of small fits, but for the most part it was all good!! Here are some pics of the day!

Tomorrow, we fly to Guangzhou! I am so ready to leave Shanghai and I know John is too! It will be a nice change of scenery and hopefully a good change for Ava. Now, how will she do on a plane???

John, Sara, and Ava

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