Thursday, August 31, 2023

Back to School Prep!!!

It's time to start thinking about Back to School!!! 

I was unable to attend Addy's Open House because Ava had her first Varsity soccer game! 
Nana to the rescue!

This girl is SO STOKED and is ready to take Middle School on!! 

Decorating her locker!

Are you sitting down?
Ava got her ears pierced!

Fresh haircuts

The dreaded well checks. 
Everyone is healthy as can be and growing at alarming rates! Ha!

Nails done! 

Schedule pickup day!

I told the girls to give me a list of a couple of things they wanted to do before school is back. 

Addy picked visiting goats and puppies at our friends house. I wasn't mad. 

She also wanted to go to Costco for the samples

Ava picked playing with the dogs and sushi.

We are ready!!!


Monsoon Lagoon!

We had a free day and free tickets to Monsoon Lagoon! 
Uncle Nate, Kelly and her kids. 
Nana, Jojo and her granddaughters
The girls and I! 
It was a gorgeous and beautiful day! 

Until a almost literal monsoon came in. 
It took about an hour of snuggles under the cabana to clear but then it was back to swim!! 
So fun!!


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Barbie Movie at The Drive In

The soccer team decided to have a team bonding at the drive in. Coincidentally, it was Barbie Night!!! 
They invited me along (but I think it's only because I had the big car) so Addy and I decided to get festive! 

The girls talked through the whole thing and didn't watch an ounce of it. 
Therefore, none of us knew what was happening. 
Guess we will have to watch it another time! 

I love these girls!!
Such a great team!


Legends Open House

 Uncle Nate's facility, Legends, has opened a second location. 

We were so excited to have a day free and were able to attend. 

The new facility is in Maple Heights, Ohio which is outside of Cleveland. 

These girls loved the game room!

I loved the Waffle Bar!!
The girls ate a ton of food. Every time I looked for them, they were in the food line. 

Official ribbon cutting with the Mayor.

We had a great time and ended the trip with a visit to Trader Joe's, Ava's favorite place.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Swim Day!

 During the photo shoot with Ava, Roz and Addy were also swimming. So she snapped a few photos of them, too!

While they were swimming, Katie and I snuck out for ice cream. 

Back to swimming fun with Aunt Emily too!

We did a little birthday love for Ava since it was so close to her actual day.

Always a fun time!!

Varsity Basketball Cheer