Monday, June 6, 2022

Teachers and Tacos!

As I have mentioned MANY of TIMES before, Addy loves her teachers. 
We wanted to share our love and it was also teacher appreciation week. 
So we invited all of Addy's teachers over to house for a Taco Night!

I went to the store to find dessert and they had this cake! 
It was so perfect!!

This is a majority of Addy's teachers. 
Mrs. Gahler - Math 
Miss Fravel - Science 
Mrs. Schober - Tutor and Intervention Specialist 
Mrs. Reichert - Speech 
Mrs. Fisher - ELA and Homeroom 

Not pictured: Mrs. Porter - Intervention Specialist 
Mrs. Adkins - Social Studies 

Such a sweet dinner! 
We took individuals with Addy and each teacher and framed them for the last day of school gift. 


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