Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Olivia Graduates!

 How is she old enough to have graduated high school?
I was so honored to attend the high school graduation of Olivia. 
Every since she was a little peanut in her mama's belly, she was my heart. 

Love her so much!

Happy Birthday, Cora!!

Our girl, Cora turned 14!! 
I really enjoyed this birthday because the Mama's were invited too! 
Just the girls and their Mama's enjoying a super yummy meal at Basil. 

While at dinner, John posted this photo and said he had the cutest dinner dates....

But I challenged him....
Because mine were pretty cute, too! 


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Ava's 2022 Spring Soccer Season

 I'm not crying, you're crying. 

Ava's 2022 Spring Season has come to an end. Which means she is 100% done with Genoa Soccer until high school. It was very emotional as most of these girls have been playing together since they were 5 and not all of them plan to play high school. 

I have absolutely loved watching them learn and grow together. 

Pardon the photo dump. It's been a great season. 

Had rain delays!

We've had great friends come and watch!

They started holding up the player with the most goals at the end of the game. 
They are so amazing!

I've made incredible friends through this journey. Some that I didn't know but are now best friends!

The best coach EVER!

She has learned so much from Wes!

We had an end of the year party! 

More game days!

She also finished a great season with Arsenal. She will play for them in the fall and spring, before high school.

I had to dig out a couple of throw backs from her practice and her first game. Who knew this would turn into her passion?

Happy 16th Birthday, Morgan!!

Morgan Mae turned 16! 
We celebrated with pizza, cake and cookies!! 
Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl!

The day after, I was invited to Morgan's Path celebration. 
I was able to spend some one on one time with her and share how much she means to me, how proud I am of her. We both walked out in tears but I'm so grateful for this girl. She came to my life at a very dark time and she has been such a light. 

Schools Out for Summer!!!

The last day of school was finally here. 
Up a few minutes early for the those obligatory last day photos. 

Someone was super sad to see this school year come to an end. She even made me draw a sad face on her sign. 

First and Last Day

Look at her first day! So cute!

The last day was also Field Day! 
What we learned: Addy is super fast. She is usually doing cheer and tumbling so we don't see too much running. They had a speed checker and it turns out she was the fastest in the 4th Grade at 14 MPH. 

Kona Ice was there to finish off the festivities. 

The Big Girls walked over after Middle School let out. 

Goodbye, Mrs. Fisher

I stole the next few photos. 
John and I made the Middle School yearbook with Ava!

Addy's Math Teacher, Mrs. Gahler 

Our true angel on earth, Mrs. Schober. 
She took Addy to breakfast on the last day of school. 

Pie in the teachers face at school carnival. 

Both of our girls had an amazing year! 
We couldn't be more proud of our girls and our school! 
Comet Nation, Forever!


Varsity Basketball Cheer