Monday, March 29, 2021

Pigeon Forge - Day #6

 Day #6 in Pigeon Forge was St. Patricks Day!! 
I made green pancakes for everyone and Addy turned hers into a leprechaun! 

We dressed in our green, except for Ava and headed into Knoxville. 

JoJo's best friend lives in Chattanooga and she met us in Knoxville for lunch! 
We had a very yummy lunch at Aubrey's. 

On the way back to Pigeon Forge, we stopped to see the Dolly statue. 

Then is was off to the Titantic Museum!
It was so incredibly cool. 
Our favorite was the trough of water that was the temperature of the ocean at the time of the sinking. 
Very interactive and some great photos and artifacts. 
They also had a staircase that was to scale of the original Grand Staircase on the ship. 
Very cool experience!

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