Monday, January 4, 2021

Christmas Eve 2020

We celebrated with family on Christmas Eve this year, instead of the morning. 
First up was church! 
I picked out this dress and matching coat for Addy, curled her hair and I wish I would have had a pillbox hat and pearls. She looked like Jackie O. (swoon)

My sweet girls. 

Christmas Eve service really moved me this year. 
I really am so fortunate and blessed and I am grateful to Jesus for allowing me to live this life. 

I stepped out of my comfort zone this year and made figgy pudding. 
It received an Ok for from the family. 
I don't know that I would make it again. 
It's alot of steps for just an OK. Haha!! 
It was very dense and tasted more like fruit cake. 

Most are served with a bourbon sauce but I served mine with cool whip! Haha!

Emily's new Blake Shelton mask! 

Matching jammies and smiles. 

The outtake...
Ava HATED these pajamas and took them off immediately following the photos. 

Santa visited and the girls got everything they hoped for! 
Gaming systems, desks, and chairs! 


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