Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Addy's Bone Graft

It had been on the calendar, looming. 
She was so nervous. 
The night before, knowing her pending restrictions, we let her pick dinner for the night. 
Of course, it was Subway! 

We had to report to the hospital by 11am. When we pulled into the parking lot, the tears started. 
By the time, they got us back to pre-op, she was in a full blown panic attack. 
It was so sad. 
But what an amazing team at Toledo Hospital! 
Within 15 minutes, she was calm, sucking on swabs and playing on an ipad. 
They even brought her a special Halloween pillowcase, a special hospital gown, and multiple toys. 

This is Kylee. She is AMAZING. 
She is a patient advocate and there couldn't be a better person for the role. 
Here she is showing Addy exactly what they were going to do. 

Surgery took about two hours and Addy is a champ! 
And continued to be throughout recovery. 

We were home by dinner time and snuggling on the couch watching Barbie Mermaid all night. 

Meanwhile, Ava Kate was invited to Lyla's Halloween party. 
I can't believe how big these girlies are getting!


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