Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Just Stuff

It has been a very low key quiet few weeks at the Houghtaling's. 
Unfortunately, I got super sick with pneumonia and COVID. 
I ended up in the ER, as I was having a hard time breathing. 
But some strong meds, an inhaler, and an amazing hubby carried me through. 
I am happy to say I'm finally 100%. 

Before I got sick, I participated in a meal swap with the neighborhood moms. 
I made Shepherds Pie. 
These were a life saver while I was sick. 

I went and got my tattoo fixed. 
My "G" looked more like a "Y" so I spent about 35 seconds in the chair to close the loop. 

It also happened to be the release of Red Cup Season at Starbucks. 

Addy's sweet friend dropped off cookies at the door. 
The worse part of being sick is the isolation. 
My girls miss their friends. 

It's amazing what a shower and hair and makeup can do to make you feel better! 

 I have amazing family and friends and have had great support!! 

Monday, November 9, 2020

Goodbye Elementary!

Back at the end of the school year, we did a little "Goodbye Elementary, Hello Middle School" photo shoot with Ava! Mama Heather did a wonderful job and I'm so glad to cherish these memories. 


Happy Halloween!

 Halloween 2020 kicked off on Friday night with Trick or Treat in Clay Center. 
Addy went out with Sam and Nick, while Ava was at a friends party. 

I stayed back and handed out candy. 

Ava and her friends stopped over for candy. The M&M's. 

A couple of shots from Ava's party

Saturday, we headed to Grandma's. 
Shelby and I decided to participate this year. Haha!

The infamous cousins!

Decorating cookie kits!

Ava, again, went out with her friends. 

I walked around with Liv and Mo and Addy. 

The great candy exchange

I got my popcorn ball!

It was a great Halloween!!!

Happy Birthday, Shelby!!

We celebrated Shelby's birthday with yummy food and ice cream cake! 
These past 6 months with Shelby in our lives has been amazing! 
We are super grateful for her!


Friday, November 6, 2020

My favorite Ava photos

 Celebrating our 10 year family day made me go back through some photos of Ava. I wanted to share some of my favorites!

I love this!!!
She was soooooo mad about nap time! 
She threw every single thing out of her crib. 
Then fell asleep. Her little butt up in the air. 

Always having food on deck. 

Happy Gotcha Day, Ava!!

October 25th marked our 10 year family anniversary with Ava! 
Ten years ago, we landed on US soil and Ava became a US citizen. 
We decided to recreate the infamous coming home photo. 
John got glasses, I ditched mine. Apparently, I also still like black and red. 
Not to mention Ava's immense growth! Ha!

Our sweet girl has been asking to go to Mancy's for awhile and we decided this was the most perfect time to celebrate. Nana, JoJo, Emily, Nate and Shelby all joined us! 
Addy came along too and was such trooper! 

 Happy Gotcha Day, Ava Kate!! I will never forget that moment. 
My life was never the same and I thank God every day for you. 

Varsity Basketball Cheer