Sunday, September 13, 2020

First Day of School 2020 {Ava, 6th Grade and Addy 3rd Grade}

With many unknowns, rescheduled dates, the first day of school finally arrived. 
The girls school is following a Hybrid plan. This means that half the students go on Tuesdays  and Thursdays and the other half go on Wednesday and Friday. Mondays are used for cleaning and teacher work days. My girls fall into the Wednesday and Friday group. 

We got our back to school teacher gifts ready. I was super excited that I was able to find these clear masks for the teachers. This will help so much with her speech therapist, etc...

We had six months together. Six months. I have been working remotely this entire time.
The emotions were hitting hard for all of us. I was so weepy so I bought us these bracelets. They are morse code and mine reads "Mother" and the girls read "Daughter". This is to help us remember each other throughout the day. We all kissed each others and promised to be strong. I may not have been so strong but the girls don't know that. 

Since Ava Kate starts Middle School, she starts 45 minutes earlier than Addy. So while Ava was up and moving, Addy was still snoozing. 

Off to do great things! I was an emotional wreck at this moment. How did we get here so fast???

I ran home to get this love muffin ready! 
She was so nervous and was very weepy on the way to school. 
"I be miss you so much" 

Her teacher sent this!

I couldn't wait to pick them up!! 
I was the annoying mom waving madly and taking photos!!

A funny story from Addy's pickup. 
Me: Ad, how was your first day?
Addy: So Fun! We watched a movie. Trolls, no no no no no no. Molls? No no no no no no no no.
They little. And blue. 
Me: Smurfs? 
Addy: Yep! Murfs. 


This is Addy's teacher Mrs. Moore. 
We are so happy to have her this year!!

 It's definitely different but I'm so happy they are back in school. 
Their social, mental, and emotional health needed this so bad. 
By Friday, Addy declared "I really like school and I love my teacher!"

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