Monday, December 30, 2019

Dad Update

We were able to finally get my dad moved from North Carolina to Genoa Care Center. 
We truly thought we were on the upswing. 
The girls were able to visit and we took him dinner. 

By some grace of God, we were able to get an immediate appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. 
It took many hands and lifting but we got him in the car and got him to the Dr.s office. 
That's where everything went downhill again. 

His right knee had failed. 
Everything that was fixed in surgery has been undone and it was basically broken again.
The was too bad for that ortho doc so they sent us to a trauma surgeon. 
He was immediately admitted to the hospital and taken to surgery again. 
This is before...

This is after...
They removed the pins and added a wire mesh.

Thankful for peeps who bring food while we are waiting in surgery

We are a week post op. 
It's going to be a long journey but thankful for new braces and sitting in a chair!

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