Thursday, June 27, 2019

Motley Crew {Katie's Post}

Today I'm sharing Katie's most recent blog post. 
Because I could never say it the way she did. It's perfect. Enjoy!

These girls. My very own Motley Crew.
Friends teach us a lot of things. Especially sister friends.
Awhile back on face time, Roz and Ava decided to  give Addy a bit of sass - "we did not pick on her". Well, Addy was not happy about it and she let Roz know it by not talking to her for a few days. Mama Sara found this in one of Addy's note books.
Roz was sad. She even stopped asking Ava if Addy was still upset. I felt bad, but she learned some lessons about a few things (like don't mess with Addy!). Roz was so happy when things were back to normal with her Addy. 

And here is a different kind of note - One morning after Roz and her daddy made waffles with crepe mix (Patrick called them awful waffles), Mama H invited Roz over for a few hours. This was from "Ellabear", "Ellabird", "Ellabeart". A bit more encouraging than Addy's.


Addy wrote I love you on Roz's hand.

Roz made a tic toc video about all the things her friends bring to her life. It was so sweet.  
I get to spend a lot of time with these 4. You could say I was part of the Crew. They teach me a lot of lessons, too. 
 And I laugh a lot more with them around.

Happy Birthday Nana!!

We celebrated Nana's birthday on Monday! 
We all gathered for dinner and had yummy cake made by Aunt Tammy. 
Nana received a bunch of fun gifts and lots of love from her family!

Goodbye Ryan (And Holly and Skylie)

This is a very bittersweet post. While I want to be so sad because we are losing an amazing pastor, Ryan has been offered an amazing opportunity at a neighboring church. 
This past Sunday we had to say "See You Later". 
Because it's not goodbye...
The girls dressed in their Sunday finest...HAHAHAHAHA! 
And the church gathered around to send Ryan out with a prayer. 
It was a beautiful moment and I was able to capture. 
Though I was afraid I would get in trouble for taking pictures instead of praying. :)

Monday, June 24, 2019

Parties, Parties and More Parties!

My girls were invited to 3 parties in 24 hours. 
It was such exhausting fun! 
Ava started the day at Mya's birthday at White Star Quarry. 
Finally we have gorgeous weather so the girls can enjoy!
Poor Stella is in a cast and couldn't swim. 

Next up was Sam's birthday party at Hero's. Addy was the only girl and handled it like a champ! 
Such a fun time!

This girl and I stayed on the sidelines while Addy had her fun!

Next up was a party at Addy's friend, Veronica's house. 
They invited the whole family. 
There was lots of swimming, bounce houses, snow cones and water balloons!

They even made me my own snow cone that may or may not have had margarita mix and tequila. :) 

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

We kicked off our big busy weekend celebrating my Grandma's 87th birthday!! 
We met for breakfast at a little local hole in the wall. 
We got a picture with the littles and enjoyed yummy food!

Plus we got to love on Baby Mara, who belongs to my cousin Brandon. 

It was a great start to the day! 

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Happy Birthday to Me!

My birthday this year consisted of garage sale prep and Subway in between setting up tables. 
Also the girls got new bikes and Addy got ice cream and said "Get yourself some for your birthday" Haha!

Living Their Best Life!

St. Ursula Soccer Camp

Last week Ava and Cora did St. Ursula's Soccer Camp. 
Unfortunately their fields are under construction so the camp was held at the fields on Holland Sylvania. Big thanks to my friend, Molly on taking 2 nights of transportation. 
It helped us so much! 
Ava declared this one "The Best Camp yet!"

Cheer Camp!

This past week Addy participated in cheer camp at Genoa. 
She LOVED it! 
She came home everyday and would show me what she learned. 
She is born to cheer! 

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Uncle Nate's Billboard!

Uncle Nate's company has a billboard and guess who's face is on there!!! 
We are so incredibly proud! 

Happy Gotcha Day, Addy!

We celebrated Addy's five year Gotcha Day on Sunday! 
I still can't believe she has been in our family for 5 years! 
We grabbed Maisie and headed East to Sandusky! 
We met Uncle Nate for lunch and enjoyed pizza and gifts! 
They even brought out free cinnamon sticks for us. 

Afterwards we went to see something special Uncle Nate was working on and then headed to get ice cream at Tofts! 

Such a fun night! While Ava and I headed to church, Addy was able to keep the celebration going and went to Hero's with Maisie and her cousins! 

Happy Gotcha Day Addycakes! 
We love you!

Baby Farm Animals!

My friend Sarah lives on a farm and recently one of her goats had babies! 
She invited us over and we spent about 45 minutes loving on all of the babies. 

Ava the kid feeding Ava the goat!

The babies!! Ella and Stella! You guys, they were perfection. 

We went back to see the kitties before we left and one of them dug his claws in Addy! 

We can't wait to go back!

Varsity Basketball Cheer