Tuesday, April 23, 2019

419 Day!

Good Friday fell on 419 Day. This is kind of a big deal in our area because we live in the 419 area code. I had to work and the girls were off school so Mama Katie stepped in and took the girls. 
John brought them to my work and Katie picked them up there. I had to sneak a picture with my favorites. 

After lunch and a visit to the local tshirt shop, they realized Ava wasn't feeling well. 
She wasn't perfect the night before and she may have played us a little so she could be with her friends. 

They headed back to Katie's so Ava could rest. It takes a village and I have a good one. I offered for her to bring Ava to me but she gladly took her home and babied her for the afternoon until I could get there. 
But...before that went down...our little loves made the 5:00 news! 
They were able to give a shout out to Toledo and 419! 

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