Monday, April 29, 2019


Dinner with our friends

Rainy snuggles in bed

I love this! Our house had been cleaned so Addy didn't want to sleep on her bed. 
She slept on the floor!

Play tine with Kate and Keira

My favorite...Wine Flight

Much needed girls night

She put ketchup on her noodles!

Happy Birthday, Molly!

New furniture equals empty living room. 

Send help. 

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Pickle Pizza, Smores, Naps, and Birthday Party!

The rest of the weekend was wonderful too! 
We spent Saturday evening at Wine Flight where we indulged on pickle pizza, wine, and smores. 
It's a family favorite!

Sunday was a big church day! I had children church then we came home and napped. It was amazing! 
Addy then had a birthday party where she was able to swim because they had an indoor pool! 

I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures! 
Ava and I bummed around and did some visiting, grabbed coffee, and went to evening church. 
Followed up with Mel O Creme, it was the perfect way to end the weekend!

Reaching Women

I spent Friday evening and Saturday during the day at the Reaching Women conference in Findlay. 
I am a big blog reader and read blogs of people all over the world. A blog I have been reading fro years is called Bring The Rain by Angie Smith. Angie is in ministry and travels the US and speaks at conferences. When I found out she was the speaker at this conference in Findlay, I bought my tickets right away! I was so excited and couldn't believe I had the opportunity to meet her! I bought her latest book and had her sign it. I went with our family friend and pastor from our church, Dawn. It was fantastic! I had the best time. On Friday night, they had the Christian band, Selah. Well, Angie is married to the lead singer, Todd Smith. All I have listened to since I've been home is You Raise Me Up by Selah. Ava said "Do they have other songs?" Ha! 

I slept in a hotel room. By myself. 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Addy Grace SHOOTS and SHE SCORES!!!

We are in the middle of soccer season. 
Our nights consist of games and practice, sometimes we have to split and one of us takes Ava and one of us takes Addy. I'm usually the one who takes Addy because I'm assist coach of her team. 
We have had to order dinner out the last two nights because we have no time to make a meal and then eat it. 
But we love it. 
Addy tries so hard and has come so far in the game. She runs her little hiney off and it's starting to pay off. 
The other night in a game against Lake, she scored her first ever goal. 
This crazy soccer mom went crazy! It was all I could do to not run on the field and cover her with kisses!!! She was so excited and called every one in the family afterwards to tell them! 
Her friend, Mya, who also has been working so hard ALSO scored her first goal! 

It was a great game and we won 5-2 and we were close to Mel O Creme, so we treated them!! 

Keep up the great work, girls!!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Easter 2019

We had a fabulous Easter!! 
It was low key and we didn't over extend ourselves so it was nice and relaxed. 
We kicked off Easter weekend with the traditional egg coloring for the Easter Bunny to hide! 

Saturday morning was a torrential downpour. We had plans for an Easter egg hunt hosted by a local church. They posted that morning that all festivities were moved inside. So we headed over!
The girls had a blast plus got to hang our with their cousins which was a bonus. 
We walked away with prizes and bunches of candy! 

We had the rest of the day free so we went to the grocery store after the egg hunt and then home to snuggle and take naps on the rainy day. 
We spent the evening prepping food for the next day! 
Fruit kabobs made by these beauties. 

It was an early night and then after the girls drifted to sleep, we were visited by the Easter Bunny!

They slept until 7 the next morning and woke me up! They were super excited for their fitbits, personalized cups and new sandals! 

Apparently I was still a little sleepy because you can see my finger in that picture! Ha!
After they tore through their baskets, they headed outside to hunt the eggs that the bunny hid when he got off work at 5am. Ha!

After some laziness and snuggling, we got dressed and headed over The Feather's for the day. They hosted a fabulous dinner and had so much fun stuff for the kids. 
Team Morgan, Ava, and Jordyn! 

But it was Team Olivia and Addy who took home the win! 

We posed for some pictures before the kids took off!

Before we left we sat down for a mean game of bunny bingo!

We headed home and I could just kiss this little ones face off!

I realized I forgot to put something in their baskets so I gave them one more surprise with a paint your own cookie!

Such a happy day!

Varsity Basketball Cheer