Friday, February 8, 2019

Baking Session

The girls had awesome report cards so we took them to the book store to pick out something new. 
Addy chose a Mom and Me cookbook. She has been scouring the recipes and decided on her first one. Animal cupcakes!! 
Ava Kate wanted in on the fun and made her own chocolates! 

Ava's chocolates! 

Ava helped Addy decorate the cupcakes

I loved how they turned out! Puppies, sheep and pigs! Ha!

While they were baking, I was working on my own little project. Addy has had a horrific cough for weeks. I have tried meds, oils, Vicks, and the Dr.
Nothing was working so I moved on to a recipe my neighbor sent me. 
Homemade cough syrup. 
I made a jar of it and then made some popsicles. 
She LOVES the popsicles! 
Unfortunately it hasn't exactly cured the cough but it's much better!

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