Thursday, February 21, 2019


After the New Year celebration, Katie and Patrick were super brave and invited Ava, Addy and Ella back to spend the night! 
They had McDonalds, watched movies and played with each other! 
Addy even learned to the love the big dog!

Chines New Year with our FCC Family!

We celebrated the New Year with FCC family! 
We had a great venue, great food and great friends!!

Basketball Tourney

Ava's team at the basketball clinic was invited to play in a tournament at Rossford. 
Her coach had told me to bring a gray shirt AND a maroon shirt. I heard a maroon shirt or a gray shirt. So we wore maroon and they needed gray. So, she had to wear a Rossford shirt. 
Mom fail.

Her team!

They did amazing! Ava had 14 points total through the tournament. 
I offered to wash the Rossford shirt and return but the coach told me to keep and wanted to let me know they offer open enrollment. Our little baller. 


We snagged Aunt Emily to babysit and we headed out to Mancy's for our annual friends dinner!

We had the absolute best time!! Maybe the girls more than the guys because we discovered Pink Orchid Martinis. 

Lots of money was spent but lots more fun was had!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had a very low key Valentine's Day. 
I came home from work to find the girls with their Valentines cards and candy all over the living room. 
They were negotiating a candy exchange. Ha! 

This is my favorite card ever! It's from Ava's friend Makenna and she put "Sorry U have braces". 
I was cracking up!!

We had heart shaped pizza for dinner! 

After dinner we headed to Addy's first tumbling class. She did so well! 
I didn't get a picture because they were so far away! Hopefully this week I can get a better picture! 
Happy Day of Love!! 

100 Days Smarter!

 Addy celebrated the 100th day of school! 
We decorated a shirt with a glitter 100 and glued 100 pink fuzzy balls!
She was so happy!

Beauty and The Beast

Our little Roz starred in her very first play, Beauty and The Beast! 
She was a wolf and a villager! We were so excited to see her up on stage. Andy kept yelling "There's Woz!" 
Great job, girl! We love you!

Daddy/Daughter Dance

Genoa hosted their first annual Daddy/Daughter Dance! 
I'm not sure which of these fine people had the better looking date!
The girls found friends, danced, and had a wonderful time! 
I stayed home and did laundry. :) 

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Addy Cheers at the Basketball Game!

We couldn't go to dinner for Chinese New Year because Addy was cheering at the basketball game! 
Her season is running a little long because of bad weather. She only has a few more practices and one more competition! But she starts tumbling on Thursday! 

Chinese New Year!

Happy Year of the Pig!! 
We kicked off the beginning of New Year with a vacation day for me and the girls rocking their New Year attire. 
Ava chose to get a shirt with her year on it instead of wearing traditional Chinese wear. 

Happy New Year from my Rabbit and Rat!

I started my day in Ava's class. 27 ten year old's! 
This year we took in dumplings for them and they were a huge hit! 

 We took in the itchy lanterns and they were messy! But the kids loved them!

I spent the afternoon with Addy's class. We did the same thing but they didn't love the dumplings as much as the popcorn and chopsticks!

It was a good day with the kiddos. Unfortunately, we didn't have the time to go out for Chinese like we normally do. John was working and Addy had another obligation! Coming soon!

Varsity Basketball Cheer