Sunday, January 20, 2019

Recovery Institute of Ohio

Uncle Nate hosted his grand opening and ribbon cutting for his new facility on Friday. 
This was a double special day because we were also celebrating his 11 year sobriety date. 
He's been sober for eleven years. This always is so emotional for me. 
We lived in a very dark world for years and now we celebrate. 
My heart was bursting on Friday! Nate is truly my hero. 
There were many guests there for the ceremony and the mayor of Sandusky and the Ottawa County commissioner cut the ribbon. Plus he had two of the cutest ribbon holders ever. 
Our close family friend and one of the pastor's at our church, Dawn, gave the blessing. 
It was a special time for her because she has been in our family since before we were born. 
She was choked up talking about Nate's recovery. It truly was a special day! 

After the ceremony I made the family stay out in the cold for pictures. We needed to capture this special time!

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