Monday, December 30, 2019

Comstock Park!

A little park north of us was trying to reach the world record of number of Christmas Trees in one spot! They held the record for a short time but it was still worth a trip to see them! 
Since we have family close, we reach out and coordinated dinner beforehand and they joined us after to take in the trees. 
Ava, Addy, Gia and Lennox had a great time!!

676 Decorated Trees!!

It was very cool! 
Then it was home to finish wrapping. 
Add that to the list of things the girls cannot get along doing. 

The Holidays!!

With everything happening with Grandpa, our holiday festivities have fallen behind. 
We had one day before Christmas Eve!! 
It was time to get busy! 
Lunch with the besties!

Christmas Lights Scavenger Hunt 

Off to Bass Pro to catch Santa!

The official portrait!

We even fit in a dental visit!

Happy Birthday, Roz!!

The girls were invited to celebrate Rozzie's 11th birthday!! 
We dropped them off to their 2nd home and they were off to make bath bombs!! 

Back to the house for presents, cookie cake, and a sleepover!

Meanwhile, we were out for a date!
We went to The Brim House. 
Amazing food, drinks, and dessert!!

Beary Happy!

At the end of 5th grade, there is a big send off dance for the kids before Middle School. 
Well, Ava has a sweet little friend, Landen. 
She received this little gift from him. 
How sweet is this?? 

Dad Update

We were able to finally get my dad moved from North Carolina to Genoa Care Center. 
We truly thought we were on the upswing. 
The girls were able to visit and we took him dinner. 

By some grace of God, we were able to get an immediate appointment with an orthopedic surgeon. 
It took many hands and lifting but we got him in the car and got him to the Dr.s office. 
That's where everything went downhill again. 

His right knee had failed. 
Everything that was fixed in surgery has been undone and it was basically broken again.
The was too bad for that ortho doc so they sent us to a trauma surgeon. 
He was immediately admitted to the hospital and taken to surgery again. 
This is before...

This is after...
They removed the pins and added a wire mesh.

Thankful for peeps who bring food while we are waiting in surgery

We are a week post op. 
It's going to be a long journey but thankful for new braces and sitting in a chair!

Friday, December 27, 2019

5th Grade Christmas Program!

Ava Kate's class hosted their 5th grade Christmas concert! 
The girls were all dressed up so I had to grab a photo in front of the tree. Love them! 

The Class of 2027! 

Ava even had a small little recorder part. 

A big shout out to Uncle Nate for coming out and supporting our girl!

My Sweet Girl

I had to share the sweetest message I received from Ava's teacher. 
It made my heart all warm and fuzzy! 
Love her so much!


Our first annual Friendsmas celebration with the work crew was a success!! 
We had such good food and did a little gift exchange. 
Shelby brought cranberry margaritas and we al realized we hate the Logo Game. Ha!

Brew Fest!

Along with our friends, The Katschke's, we headed down to 5/3 field to join in the annual Brew Fest. 
I got the designated driver ticket so I didn't drink but was able to join in all of the food and fun then deliver my friends and husband home safely. 

Carols and Cookies {Addy's Piano Recital}

We had Addy's Piano Recital, also know as Carols and Cookies. 
She got a new dress and fancy new shoes! 
Little girl played Jingle Bells better than anyone I know. 

Ms. Deb, her instructor

Addy and Gabby

All of the performers. 

Varsity Basketball Cheer