Monday, October 8, 2018

Lunch with My Girls!

A work from home allowed me a lunch with my sweets at school! 
It seriously is one of the most amazing things I do. I didn't tell them I was going to try so they were both super surprised and absolutely thrilled to see me! 
I didn't know if Ava was to cool for me but I was safe! But she wouldn't hold my hand when I walked her to recess. I'll take what I can get. 

Also, I have to introduce Maisie. God, I love this kid and her little brother, Duncan. 
Maisie lives in our neighborhood and her and Addy have been super close over the last year. 
Well, this year they are in the same class and doing cheer together. 
After every cheer practice, she comes over and says "Can I come to Addy's house?" And I usually say yes. Because all she talks about is dinosaurs and asks for strawberry milk for dinner. 
She is so polite and I adore her. 

My favorite first graders

Then there are these 4. I'm so grateful Ava has made such wonderful friends with this family! 
Plus, the Planet Box representation is strong. 

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