Wednesday, June 6, 2018

3rd Grade Musical and Art Show

I'm so far behind on my blog. They are out of school and I'm still posting about it!
I posted on my Facebook page that I truly believe if you have children in school, May is way busier than December. The girls had something almost every day!
Luckily for me, they combined the 3rd grade musical and the art show on the same day! 

Can you spot my little Ava Kate?

There she is! She was so nervous leading up to the musical especially at the beginning. She was so afraid she would be picked for a speaking part. She was breathing a sigh of relief when she found out she would only be a part on the chorus. Ha!

After the musical, we headed to the cafeteria where they both had art work on display! 
I loved their work!! They are so sweet! 

Ava's catepillar 

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