Sunday, December 31, 2017

Merry Christmas 2017!

Our Christmas holidays had many ups and downs, but definitely more ups. 
Ashley and Brody were in town visiting. 
The day before Christmas Eve, John was diagnosed with Strep and The Flu. 
So he was down for the count. 
The day before was a big day of rest for everyone. 

Christmas Eve, John was feeling tons better so we were able to celebrate. 
We had made dinner reservations at a nice restaurant but took a few pictures first. 

The girls were super excited to drink out of fancy glasses!

During the day and while we were at dinner, NW Ohio was getting dumped with tons of snow. 
It was a very slippery ride from dinner to church. 
But this girl played a guitar solo with her instructor. 
They played Silent Night. 
She did so well! 

After church I had offered to meet Ashley's mom and her husband half way so they didn't have to come all the of way to Genoa. Well, that good deed bit us. On the way to Perrysburg, we passed a plow that pushed something and I ran over it. Within minutes, my tire was completely flat. 
Fast forward 3 hours sitting in a car waiting for roadside assistance. Finally, a few fella's (who I like to call my wiseman) were able to help John. 
Therefore our Christmas Eve festivities took place at 11:30 with exhausted little girls

The girls had us up at 5:45 and within 20 minutes we were back in bed. Hahahaha!!
We hosted a Christmas Open House. 
It was a nice day with some of our family. 

Saran Wrap balls for Christmas!!

Ava was invited home to spend the night with the big cousins!
So this girl and I played a mean game of Soggy Doggy. 
After the first shake, we implemented accessories. 

We had a wonderful holiday!! Hope yours was too!

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