Thursday, May 4, 2017


I'm going to keep calling her Addycakes as long as she lets me. 
Because I've had a big wake up call that she is no longer a baby. 
This is her last official preschool picture.

We had her six year well check. She has officially reached the heigh and weight on the charts! 
Woohoo! 13% for height and 12% for weight. She has grown so much in the last year! I had to hit clearance racks to get her a few pairs of pants to get us through to summer! 

She is also participated in kindergarten screening. Because it's time. She did wonderfully at screening and the only parts she marked low was related to her speech. So proud of her! 
This is how she write her name. We need to practice her last name before she gets herself a little reputation. 

I think it's only fitting that she would draw a crown on her person!

She is so so so excited to start big girl school and ride the bus. She has asked everyday to get on the bus and gets super crabby when she can't. 
I'm so excited for her!

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