Monday, May 29, 2017

Ashley and Brody Visit!

Ashley and Brody came to visit this week! They stayed with her mom but we got lots of visits and even more snuggles with the munchkin! 
We love him so much!

Wehner Wedding

Date Night Alert! 

We were very excited to get all dressed up and head to a friends wedding. One of our oldest and dearest friends got married. The son of my mom's childhood best friend, Matt, was the groom. 

My mom and Debbie

I'm so happy for Matt!

We had a fun night hanging with friends and family!

Ava Kate's Field Day!

Ava's most favorite day of the school year arrived! Field Day! 
(I hated this day as a child)
But my competitive girl loves it! 
We arrived early for hair color and war paint. Even Addy was able to participate. 

They had different events but the big one was the Tug Of War!

Ava's class won the event! She was a little excited!

It was a fun day! 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Mothers Day

 Mother's Day was a quiet day with my loves. We went to church and out to lunch with Nana. Back home for a nap and then we met up for dessert with the family. 
This was the best part of my day. 
The book Ava Kate made for me. 
This kid gets me. Every single crazy bit. Except for the books I read.

My day was made because I spent the entire time with my little loves. Gosh, I love them so. 

Ava Kate's Field Trip!

The 2nd grade class took their field trip to Imagination Station. I took the day off so I could chaperone Ava's class. I was lucky enough to be paired with another mama whom I adore. 

These girls ran us ragged. It was up, down, here, and there. We finally had to tell them one floor at a time! Ha!

Ava Kate decorated my lunch bag!

Selfie: Ava Kate style

We had five girls who were safely returned to their teacher and the end of the day. Then we treated ourselves because, wow. That was an exhausting but super fun day!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Addy Grace Scores Her First Goal!

Every game Addy always apologizes for not scoring a goal. No matter how many times we tell her it doesn't matter, she was determined. 
Well, it happened.

She came running off the field for a hug yelling "I did it!" It was the most sweetest moment ever. 
Congratulations, AG!!! 

Ava Kate's Art Show!

The elementary school held their annual specials showcase! 
Ava had two pieces of art in the Art Show!

She was very proud and so was I!

To think I will have two girls showing off their artwork. 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

PTO Spring Carnival!

The elementary school held their annual Spring carnival on Cinco de Mayo! 
We had a fun time playing games, getting faces painted, and eating yummy food! 
Ava's teacher was on the receiving end of Pie in the Face, which Ava has pretty good aim! 
I had to work the ticket booth from 7-8. John took Addy home and we let Ava stay and hang with friends. I had her check in with me every 15 mins and she was so good about it! I was super proud! 

Singing at Church!

 The girls have been participating in a program at our church called Roots. It takes place during the church service so we are able to enjoy the service while the girls get a kids version. This past weekend the girls sang during our service. There were quite a few kids missing. But it was still so sweet! Addy was all into it, Ava...not so much. 

Addy Grace Goes On A Field Trip!

Addy Grace went on her first official field trip! 
All of the five year old classes from the YMCA branches got together to see a band for a sing along! 
I received a video of my sweet girl dancing! 
She had such a good time!
Here are all of the kids!

Plus she got to hang with her Nana!!!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

More Soccer

Both of girls are playing soccer this season. They are in two different leagues so we pretty much have soccer 4-5 days per week. Addy is doing so well! She is by no means the soccer star, but she tries so hard! 

 Ava and her team are so awesome! They are the epitome of teamwork and are so supportive of each other. It melts my heart. 

We have about 2-3 weeks left. But we have been getting torrential rain in NW Ohio. So we keep postponing. Hopefully we get all of the games made up! 

Varsity Basketball Cheer