Sunday, April 23, 2017


Our lives pretty much consist of soccer these days. So...

There is a big hill at Clay Center where Ava plays soccer. The girls have named it Buttcheek Mountain.

Happy Birthday, Jojo!

The girl who won't clean her room.

Playdate with Mya!

Playdate with Sophie!

Cleaning our pores. Addy hated this. She kept saying "my cheeks hurt!" 

Big helper at the store. What you don't see in this picture are her pajama bottoms. Yes, I'm the mom who took my kid to the store in her pajamas. We had a very small window to get things and she chose that morning to sleep in! Ha!

My favorite person. 

Coffee date with Charli!

Two peas in a pod, these two. Ava and Cora. 

We were lucky enough to play against our friend Jade, from the FCC. Their team smoked our team! Ha!

419 day!

She didn't eat this whole thing. Only the part with sprinkles. 

I see many ice cream dates with these kids!

Next up, Spring Break!

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