Friday, April 28, 2017

Vermont - Day 3 {Day before Easter!}

Day three in Vermont was perfect weather! 
We woke up early and drove to the next town over for the girls to participate in an egg hunt. 

It was over in about 3 minutes but they had a blast!

We headed back to West Dover because Will was coming up to visit from Connecticut. 
Ashley, Addy, Brody and I hung back while the rest went for a hike. 

After the hike, everyone got cleaned up and they went to a local pub to watch the Cavs game. I stayed back with the kids so we could color Easter eggs! Brody was more interested in chewing on the eggs. 

We made a yummy dinner and chilled for the night to get ready for the Easter Bunny. 

After Ava snuggled in with Bruiser...

The Bunny found us in Vermont and left some goodies for everyone!

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Vermont Day 2, Part 2 {Addy's Tooth}

While at the Ben and Jerry's factory, Addy bit into her ice cream and her front tooth became super loose! Like hanging, super loose. She nursed that tooth for about 7 hours. She wouldn't eat or drink anything. She would talk, I'm surprised she didn't hold her breath. Everyone was begging to pull the tooth but she wouldn't budge. So...I decided to slowly walk past her and push on her lip. The tooth was so loose, it popped right out! She was so mad for about a minute but then became very excited!

She also was very excited for the TWO money's she received the next morning!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Vermont - Day 2 {Stowe}

Out first full day in Vermont, we decided to road trip to Stowe, VT. This was about two hours north of where we were staying. But there were two very cool things in Stowe that we wanted to visit! 

First up, Ben & Jerry's Factory! We were super excited about this. The tour itself was pretty short but we got to sample the good afterwards. They had a HUGE selection along with flavors you can't buy in the store. 

My selected favor. Chocolate Cherry Garcia. Yum! 

After touring the factory, we headed up in the mountains to the von Trapp family property. I had to do a little research on this but the story is they settled in Stowe, VT because it reminded them of Austria. 

The property is huge! They have an inn, a brewery, villa's, and a memorial site. 
The inn was very old fashioned but beautiful!

We had lunch at the brewery and visited the memorial sites. 
Here are Georg's and Maria's memorials. 

It was such a fun but exhausting day. 

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Vermont - Day 1

Our Spring Break was a little funky this year, we didn't have a full week. 
We decided to do a long road trip to visit Ashley and Brody in Vermont. I was very excited to go to a new part of the country where I had never been!

The girls were ROCKSTAR's in the car on the way there and back! 
So much so that we pushed the drive home and did it one day! 
We arrived in Vermont on Thursday around 2:00. We spent the next few hours soaking up this little love!

We had plans that night to go to dinner and see the Easter Bunny. But Vermont is very remote and the closest mall was two hours away. Travel was catching up, so we decided to keep it local and just visit. 

This friendship started. You will see many more pictures of Ava and Bruiser. 

We were so excited to be with Ashley and Brody and getting settled. 


Our lives pretty much consist of soccer these days. So...

There is a big hill at Clay Center where Ava plays soccer. The girls have named it Buttcheek Mountain.

Happy Birthday, Jojo!

The girl who won't clean her room.

Playdate with Mya!

Playdate with Sophie!

Cleaning our pores. Addy hated this. She kept saying "my cheeks hurt!" 

Big helper at the store. What you don't see in this picture are her pajama bottoms. Yes, I'm the mom who took my kid to the store in her pajamas. We had a very small window to get things and she chose that morning to sleep in! Ha!

My favorite person. 

Coffee date with Charli!

Two peas in a pod, these two. Ava and Cora. 

We were lucky enough to play against our friend Jade, from the FCC. Their team smoked our team! Ha!

419 day!

She didn't eat this whole thing. Only the part with sprinkles. 

I see many ice cream dates with these kids!

Next up, Spring Break!

Varsity Basketball Cheer