Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our Thanksgiving started out differently this year. We started a new tradition. Instead of hanging in our pajamas and watching the parade, we volunteered our time. Uncle Nate, the girls, and I volunteered our time to deliver meals to the less fortunate. One of our BFF's church hosted Turkey's On The Run. The girls were amazing! We got there early and they were able to help in the kitchen and get things prepared. 

After we were loaded up with our route and the meals, we headed out to make the deliveries. 

I'm so glad the girls were able to do this. Although Addy was super disappointed at the first house because she thought we were Trick or Treating and was bummed she didn't get candy. Ha! 

We spent the rest of the afternoon with our family enjoying a yummy meal. And I have zero pictures. We just enjoyed our time with the family and played game. 
So I leave you with this. 
How adorable is her outfit?

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