Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our Thanksgiving started out differently this year. We started a new tradition. Instead of hanging in our pajamas and watching the parade, we volunteered our time. Uncle Nate, the girls, and I volunteered our time to deliver meals to the less fortunate. One of our BFF's church hosted Turkey's On The Run. The girls were amazing! We got there early and they were able to help in the kitchen and get things prepared. 

After we were loaded up with our route and the meals, we headed out to make the deliveries. 

I'm so glad the girls were able to do this. Although Addy was super disappointed at the first house because she thought we were Trick or Treating and was bummed she didn't get candy. Ha! 

We spent the rest of the afternoon with our family enjoying a yummy meal. And I have zero pictures. We just enjoyed our time with the family and played game. 
So I leave you with this. 
How adorable is her outfit?

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Addy's Fall School Picture

Uncle Nate said she looks like a bat. I think she's adorable. Ha!

Addy's Cheer Competition!

Addy Grace had her first cheer competition at Oak Harbor High School. I have only a couple of pictures because I recorded it on video. I'm trying to upload it. But it keeps failing! So for now, I'll share the pictures. 

Addy and her BFF, Mya

Addy loves cheerleading. Loves it! We are on break for now until after the holidays. But she's excited for it to starts back up! 

Ava Kate Plays Basketball!

Ava has been asking and asking to play basketball. Unfortunately that is the only sport that Genoa does not have a biddy program. Well, I looked further and found a program at the YMCA. She likes it but they play with different rules and my competitive girl struggles. For instance she gets called about 4-5 times a game for stealing the ball. Ha! 

About a week before the program started they called John and I because they needed coaches. I was coming off the soccer season and was pretty burned out and with John's schedule, it's too hard to commit. So...Uncle Nate stepped in! It's been so fun! 

Addy is always trying to play with the big kids, too! Some day. Until then she'll get help from Uncle Nate. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Operation Christmas Child

This year I decided to have the girls participate in Operation Christmas Child. We got a box from our church and went to the store to fill it up! Ava chose a boy between the ages of 5 and 7. I was so proud of the girls! They did a great job picking out items. 

We out the box together and sent it back to the church. I'm excited to have the girls participate in making a difference in a childs life!

Sunday, November 20, 2016


We've been busy! 

Addy learned how to tie shoes with this awesome Paw Patrol book!

We went to see the new Trolls movie! It's so cute!

Cold air had us seeing our breath!

"Ava loves her mom" She loves you, too!

We took Sam shopping and let him pick out a toy. 

One of my favorite moments. Ava reading to me. 

Dinner dates!

Dentist visit!

Football rivals/cousins 

Warming up with hot chocolate

Leilani came to visit

 Ava asked if she could do my hair. I guess it was payback for years of pigtails. 

Makeup party and I channeled my inner smurf. The girls hated it. 

Soccer party at the bowling alley with our friends!

Oil deliveries brought us a playdate with Audrey and Hadley

Ava went to see Mary Poppins with Nana

I embraced my right to vote! 

Ava had a two hour delay so we went to Bob Evans for breakfast

We have a big trip coming up so we went to apply for passports!

Hot tub fun with Charli, the neighbor

We got to see Santa at a local craft fair! 

We got to visit with Jana and Jewel. Such a nice visit!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Fifteen Years!

On October 1st, I celebrated my 15th anniversary with Owens Corning. I am so fortunate to work for such an amazing company that allows me to focus on raising my family. 
John and I attended the annual service awards ceremony for the first time. We had an absolute blast! 

The amount of details that went into planning was super impressive. You know, personalized m&m's for your year of service. 

This is my sweet Frannie. I've known her since I started at OC. I adore her so. She was celebrating 45 years of service! What!?!?!?!? She also announced her retirement the next day. :) 

Such a fun date night. We also tried a new babysitter this night. She was awesome and the girls loved her! Double win for the evening!

Varsity Basketball Cheer