Saturday, March 12, 2016


Dr. Seuss had a birthday and it's a big deal when you are 7!

Green Day at school!

Reading me a classic while waiting for the bus

Preparing the Wocket in Your Pocket project!
We had so much fun! 

And her class LOVED it! We made a sock puppet named Pete.

Mel O Creme OPENED!

Long story, but Addy needed to spit in a test tube. But has no idea how to spit. 
So the whole family took part in trying to teach her. 

It didn't work. But we had tons of laughs!

We are battling sickness in the Houghtaling house. Ava came home Wednesday with strep and Addy is battling it now. Ava has turned the corner, but Addy is miserable. Say prayers for my loves!

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