Friday, November 6, 2015

Ava's Bone Graft Surgery

This past visit to Cleft Clinic we were informed that Ava Kate's adult teeth are coming at a quick pace. Which for most kids would be exciting but for Ava, that meant bone graft surgery on her gum line where her cleft lip is. So...on October 26th, we headed off to Toledo Hospital bright and early. We had kept Ava pretty informed and gave her the opportunity to talk to the Dr.'s to ask any questions she had.

She seemed good that morning. She was in good spirits! Everyone in pre-op was awesome, friendly and so accommodating. They gave her this little stuffed dog with a surgical cap on. 

She was doing so good. Until they started to take her back. Well, the hospital has this completely amazing program for children. Where they allow a parent to go back in the operating room until the child is under anesthesia. I did this with Addy back in January and did it again with Ava. I was never so happy to have this program in place. My girl was a mess. She was begging me to take her home. It was horrible. But I was with her when she went to sleep and I was with her the minute she woke up. She never knew she wasn't with me. And that's all I care about. I was an emotional wreck until they allowed us back in recovery. But when I got to hold her hand, all was right in the world. 

Once she snapped out of the anesthesia, she was FANTASTIC! As a matter of fact about six hours post surgery she said "Why do I even have to stay in the hospital?" Nana and Emily spent the day with us and Daddy left to get Addy. We had visitors in the hospital and the love poured from our friends and family. 

After our friends left, we found a wheelchair and went for a walk down the hall to check out the Alvin and The Chipmunk statues. 

After Daddy and Addy left for the night, my girl and I snuggled in. She had to stay one night in the hospital. And she did great!

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