Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Another round of pics I snapped here and there...

I pulled into the driveway after a warm day and found this waiting for me in the driveway. Spring is in the air!

We took Addy back to gymnastics after a bit of a break and she was super excited to be back!

We often refer to Addy as our little creepy sleeper. Because she doesn't close her eyes all of the way. John sent me this one day and said "Let's play a game...asleep or awake?" Ha!
I bought myself a new pair of red Chuck Taylors. John refers to them as my mid life crisis shoes. And then I had matching shoes with one of my favorite five year olds! Ha!  

 We have been taking Addy to speech weekly and this is one of the exercises they suggested we would on with her. She loves it!

John took Addy grocery shopping and he must have taken too long...

 Practicing their exercises

Silly girl!

Surprising Ava at lunch!

Finding this sweet note next to bed from my sweet Ava 

This girl can do some damage on chicken wings

Genoa High School's spring play was Willy Wonka. So we had a family night out! The girls adored it as they both love Willy Wonka. 

Sitting in a meeting one day and notice random messages going to my mom. I was about to contact Verizon because it was crazy and it ended up being Ava from her iPod. Ha! She called me my a hog! Hahahaha!

Never a dull moment with these girls!

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