Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Another round of pics I snapped here and there...

I pulled into the driveway after a warm day and found this waiting for me in the driveway. Spring is in the air!

We took Addy back to gymnastics after a bit of a break and she was super excited to be back!

We often refer to Addy as our little creepy sleeper. Because she doesn't close her eyes all of the way. John sent me this one day and said "Let's play a game...asleep or awake?" Ha!
I bought myself a new pair of red Chuck Taylors. John refers to them as my mid life crisis shoes. And then I had matching shoes with one of my favorite five year olds! Ha!  

 We have been taking Addy to speech weekly and this is one of the exercises they suggested we would on with her. She loves it!

John took Addy grocery shopping and he must have taken too long...

 Practicing their exercises

Silly girl!

Surprising Ava at lunch!

Finding this sweet note next to bed from my sweet Ava 

This girl can do some damage on chicken wings

Genoa High School's spring play was Willy Wonka. So we had a family night out! The girls adored it as they both love Willy Wonka. 

Sitting in a meeting one day and notice random messages going to my mom. I was about to contact Verizon because it was crazy and it ended up being Ava from her iPod. Ha! She called me my a hog! Hahahaha!

Never a dull moment with these girls!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Family Circus!

John and I decided to take the girls to the circus last weekend. We were unsure how Addy would do, but both girls absolutely loved it! Ava held a snake (I took a picture from a distance) and enjoyed the clowns. Addy held on for dear life, but did ok. 

And whats the circus without a $6 light up wand at the end?

We're Off To See The Wizard!

Last Saturday, we got all dressed up and headed to the Stranahan. The Toledo Symphony played the music to the Wizard of Oz movie.

It was so nice! And the best part?!?! We got to hang with our awesome friends!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Xiao Xiangmao

Saturday we had our Little Panda's playgroup. We had a birthday party theme! We learned how to sing Happy Birthday in Chinese and learned the numbers from 1-10. You won't see many pictures of my girls though. They were having a rough morning. Ava spent most of her time hovering a garbage can in the corner and Addy threw up within seconds of arriving. They had some odd food on Friday night and still not sure if this caused it. They recovered pretty quickly!

This is the only picture I have of Addy. She had thrown up on her pants and was freaking out. So I took them off. So she roamed in her panties and boots. I hope she never recreates this picture as a teenager. Ha! 

Sheng ri kuai lai (Happy Birthday!) 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The girls and I rocked our green for St. Patrick's Day! 

But Ava had an even more special day! Her teacher, Mrs. Mullen, also celebrates her birthday on St. Paddy's Day! So, Daddy took cupcakes into her class and led the class in singing Happy Birthday!! 

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Mullen! We LOVE you!

So proud, Ava Kate!

Not only does this super cute kindergartener have a super cute Spring school picture,

She also moved up to first grade sight words. She knows all the kindergarten words! This was a HUGE accomplishment for this girl! She worked so hard! 

Ava, I've said it about 1,000 times but no words will ever explain how over the top proud I am of you!!! Let's nail those first grade words!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Friends, A Concert, and The Hot Tub

We had a wonderful weekend. Busy. But wonderful. Friday night we had Gavin and his family over for dinner and to play. As always, it was great to catch up and the kids loved playing together!

Saturday was super crazy for me. I joined the board for Genoa Soccer and there was lots to do for me. Daddy entertained the girls by swimming int he hot tub, of course!

Saturday night was date night for John and I. 

We headed south to Tiffin for the Tracy Lawrence concert. We found an awesome little place called The Clover Club and we had dinner there. It was a great night!

And we came home to find our babysitters and our babies like this. So sweet!

Hope you had a great weekend!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Happy Birthday, JoJo!

Thursday night we joined JoJo and her family to celebrate her birthday! We picked a common restaurant at a half way point for everyone. The girls were channeling their inner Disney by recreating Lady and The Tramp. 

We had a wonderful time with everyone! Thanks for letting us celebrate with you!

Happy Birthday, JoJo!

Varsity Basketball Cheer