Sunday, December 21, 2014

Addy's First Christmas Program

I'm pretty sure my heart melted at Addy's program. This girl has come so far in 6 short months. So far. We kicked off the night with the annual Santa picture (see previous post) and then headed to the program a little early. Enough time for these super shy girls (ha!) to play with the microphone…

We snapped a couple of quick pictures because let's be honest, Ava was in a dress. 

As we waited for sweet little Addy to take the stage, I heard Ava say "I really don't like these chairs" and I saw this. And cracked up!!

And then this munchkin came struttin' out like she owned the place. Because doesn't she??

She was amazing! And while she couldn't say the words completely, she knew what she was singing. And the dancing. Let's not forget the dancing. Great job, Addycakes!!! Mama and Daddy love you!!!

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