Sunday, September 14, 2014


I wanted to post an update about Addy. She is doing extremely well! We have really crossed to a better place. No issues with bonding and attachment. She likes to test the waters, voices her opinion (quite loudly) and is a firecracker!
She absolutely loves school! There are no issues with drop off or pick up. She runs in, grabs her chair, and sits for breakfast. Every morning we have to visit the 5 year old room (where Ava was) and say hello to the teachers. They said she does really well and gets super excited for nap time! 

She is amazing and loving. She isn't quite a smuggler but is very compassionate for Ava if she is upset. She had her first time out this week and as you can see it wasn't well received. 

She adores her big sister and wants everything that Ava has. Everything has to be exactly the same. John thinks I'm crazy but sometimes you pick your battles. She puts Ava's backpack on daily and yells "bye, bye". 

It's safe to say that being a Houghtaling is exactly what she was meant to do. 
Love my little Addy Grace!

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