Thursday, September 25, 2014

#houghtalinggirls - Part 1

Our crazy, beautiful life…
Basketball, Soccer, Gymnastics, Homework, Work, School
It's how we roll...

The nuggets I found in my purse at 7:30pm. From lunch earlier in the day.

Holly picked Ava up from school and they got ice cream!

My super little peanut in size 2 jeans. I went the next day and bought 18-24 months

Picking up bad habits at the football game

The Pink Panther and I at the Multi-Cultural Luncheon at work

Super sleepy girl

When Daddy works nights, Mommy is in charge of dinner

Saturday morning snuggles

Catching up with Preschool friends at basketball

Addy riding the big rope swing at gymnastics

Enjoying their Frozen books from Nana

Have a great weekend!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A little late on the Autumn Moon Fest

So I totally dropped the ball on the Autumn Moon Fest this year. Like realizing it on the day of, so my girls took treats to school late and there were no moon cakes for us. Until today. Mama Katie was nice enough to save two for my girls and we broke them out today. 

Ava got about two bites in and decided it wasn't her favorite treat. Addy? Smashed it. Haha! I figured that would be the outcome!

Pumpkins, Cousins, and Friends!!

What a weekend!! We are surrounded by amazing family and friends that keep our lives amazing! We kicked off Friday at the Comet football game. We were pretty excited to celebrate a win against Rossford! Addy Grace is becoming quite the little fan!

Saturday morning we were chilling and I got a message from Katie. They were heading to a local pumpkin farm close to our house and asked if we wanted to join. Time to hang with Roz? Yes, please! The girls (and I) were super excited to meet them! We enjoyed donuts, played in the corn, went on a hayride, fed goats, and picked out a little pumpkin. Thanks for the invite, friends!

Has anyone seen Patrick?

 How silly is Mama Katie??

After the pumpkin farm we headed to pick up cousin Brooke! She was coming to play with the girls for the afternoon. Instead of going right home, we headed to Chick Fil A to meet Roz and her parents for lunch. The girls had a blast playing but we had to say goodbye. We had to snap a few pictures before we left (at Ava's request). Ha!

We headed home and the girls played for a couple more hours. We had so much fun with Brooke and were sorry to see her go home.
Saturday night we headed to dinner with Nana and Aunt Emily. We went to Applebees and let Ava pick out her own outfit. Y'all didn't know Fonzie was in town, did you??

What a fun day!!


Monday, September 15, 2014


Yesterday we headed to Perrysburg to the International Festival held at the Mosque. It was a great experience! We tried lots of different food (we left and went to McDonalds), rode rides and Addy had her first pony ride!


Varsity Basketball Cheer