Thursday, August 14, 2014

Fun Mail!

Doesn't everyone love fun mail? You know the handwritten notes that come in card form? The ones that don't require a monthly payment?? Ha! Well, little Miss Ava Kate received a couple pieces of fun mail this week. First up, Santa sent her a letter! She was pretty excited! And he even sent sand and a shell since he is currently vacationing in Florida.

The next day she received another very important letter from a very important person. Mrs. Mullen, her kindergarten teacher. My girl starts on Wednesday. Isn't that crazy?

She had a pretty exciting week since I surprised her with a Snackeez. She has been begging for one for weeks. Which leads me to believe my girl will be the one up at 3am ordering off infomercials. 

And not to be left, my snuggle bunny

And now off to bed. This  was my first full time week since before we traveled to China. I'm whipped. Ha!

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