Wednesday, August 27, 2014

New Friends, Pride, And Pizza!

We had an amazing weekend! Friday night we stayed close to home. I tried to listen to my Dr. and take it easy on my foot. 

Saturday morning we were invited over to play with Sophie. We haven't met Sophie before but her mom called to ask me if we wanted to come over. Ava and Sophie are in the same kindergarten class. And she thought it would be a good thing to get them together. I'm so glad she did! Everyone had a great time and while Ava got a new friend, so did I!! 

After we left Sophie's house, we went home to pick up Daddy and Addy. And then we headed downtown for the Pride event. What a wonderful time! I was really hesitant about taking the girls but they LOVED it! Friends of ours have a band and they were playing at 2:30. My girls never sat down. They danced and danced. The.entire.time. 

Prior to the band taking the stage, they had some, ahem, performers. Let's just say this was a bit eye opening for Ava. Her face was priceless. 

We are so glad so many of our friends came down to hang out with us!

After we left the event, we headed to Chick Fil A for a playdate with our friends. And then of course that ran into dinner. So we headed to 5th St. Pub for pizza. What a yummy dinner!

An impromptu weekend with friends is the best! Because we even got to meet up again on Sunday at El Camino. We plopped the kids at one end and the adults tackled a pitcher of margaritas at the other end. Good for the soul….

Ava's Last Day of Preschool

Friday was Ava's last day of Preschool. While this was only a few days ago, it feels like it was many moons ago. She asked to take in cupcakes with Frozen on them. She asks and I deliver.

This big sign has been hanging in the hall. We're Going To Kindergarten! And each child wrote their name under their school. 

And not one to be left out (again)….

Bring on Kindergarten! 

I Pledge Allegiance...

That's right, baby! You're in America! 

Ava's teacher send me this gem on the first day of school. And I will forever have it etched in my heart. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Kindergarten For Reals

Is this real life?
Did she really start kindergarten?
Is my little bubs who I picked up in China almost four short years ago old enough for this??
Am I ready?

Well, it turns out we were. And we survived. Not without lack of tears, lack of almost anxiety attacks, and many of emails and calls to friends. And that was just me. I know. I'm a mess!!!

The preparations started the night before packing her lunch. This kid was so freakin' excited to break out her Lego Chima lunch box. What the heck is Chima anyhow? Regardless, we had already agreed on what we were going to pack, so it was actually an easy task.

We finished the night reading The Night Before Kindergarten and an early bedtime. Even though sleep was no where in Ava's future. She was soooo excited! Every ten minutes or so she would yell "I can't sleep!" And then she kept getting up to go to the bathroom and asked "Can you hear me peeing?" Somewhere around 11, she drifted off and slept pretty good until about 6:45. She picked Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast and OJ. And she barely ate or drank anything. Her belly was full of butterflies. 

Actually, (she will kill me in 20 years when she reads this) we were at the bus stop and she let out the biggest toot! We just looked at her and she said "my belly is funny!" Bahaha! Love my girl!

After breakfast and the carefully compromised outfit, we headed outside for the bazillion first day pictures I took!

Class of 2027 -- are you serious, right now? 

Even Nana came out to send her off!

And then we headed to the bus stop. I offered to take her but she insisted on riding the bus. We were a little early so we had a few minutes which made time for more pictures. 

And this picture right here said it all. She's going to be ok. She is going to ROCK this. 

And because I am THAT mom who at some point will drive my kids crazy, we immediately drove to the school to watch her get off the bus. (And walk her to her room). We saw all kinds of friends and got all kinds of love on the way. I love our community! 

Ava and Jada! It was her first day, too! But she's in a different class. 

We got to Mrs. Mullen's room and Ava strolled right in like she owned the place. Shocker, right?? 
Can I just say how thankful I am that she has Mrs. Mullen. You see, she is literally the friend I have had since preschool. Yes, I have pictures of us. 

Her cubby

And settling right in as a big kindergartener…

Again, because I'm THAT mom, we went back at lunch time and had lunch with her. We had gone to breakfast earlier in the morning so decided to not eat with her. And her response? "Then why are you here?" Four hours and I was already cramping her style. 

Not one to be left out….

At 4:00, she got off the bus. Doesn't she look so big?

I asked how her day was…she came back with "Can we go out to eat?" 
Yes, Ava, we can. 

Addy Starts Gymnastics!

We decided to get Addycakes involved in gymnastics. We wanted her to be in something to keep her active. So, we did a trial night at gymnastics to see if she would like it. And she loved it!!! We will definitely be going back. The pictures aren't the best because she would stop moving. Ha!

Trying to get a picture with these four girls could exhaust a girl... 

Varsity Basketball Cheer