Thursday, April 3, 2014


Best Friend: noun - The one who is closest to you

How lucky am I that I have more than one best friend?? We have known each other for more than 25 years. We have been in each others weddings, been there for the birth and adoptions of all of our children, numerous nights spent at each others houses, ungodly amount of conversations on the telephone, broken curfews, sharing clothes and makeup, vacations all over the US! We've done it all. Together. These are my girls, my BFF's, my peeps!
Last night was a way long overdue dinner out. Just us. No husbands, no kids. And in the matter of three hours we smashed on pizza, talked about husbands, kids, sleeping issues, medications, underwear, and bladder control issues. And it was AWESOME! I love you girls!!! And to answer the many questions and comments regarding this picture on FB:

1. Two of them are sisters, twins in fact!
2. Three of the four of us go to the same hairdresser.
3. Yes, I part my hair differently. I've always been "The Rebel".

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