Monday, April 28, 2014

Goodbye, Basketball!

The basketball session has come to an end. Grandpa, Tina, and Emily came to her game. I think she liked they came to visit. She goofed off with her little friend, Ethan, the whole time! Haha!

And a close up of the BFF's

She really did enjoy it, so I think we will sign her up next session. 

They got little medals at the end and one last huddle!


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Confessional Friday!

Have you missed it? Have you noticed it's missing. I have been CARAZY busy at work and have been slacking. Sorry!

1. I confess this post is going up Thursday night because I don't think I can get to it tomorrow.
2. I confess we are officially waiting on TA. Yes, Travel Approval. Giddy? That's the best way to describe me right now. Ha!
3. I confess I am incredibly OCD. I spend big money on a family planner and it's attached to my hip most of the time. I only write in black ink. Therefore, the fact that Ava's soccer for the Y has changed THREE times and I have had to cross it out of my planner and make is messy is driving me nuts. I need to get through May.
4. I confess that I am 90% packed for China. Yes, I know we probably aren't leaving for a month and half.
5. I confess that on Easter I couldn't find my white capri's. I looked everywhere. And then I found them. In the suitcase for China. :)
6. I confess I have an addiction. To Easter Candy. Heavens to Betsy, it is my favorite!!

And a sweet Throwback Thursday picture of my sweet girl! Have a great weekend!!


Spring soccer has started! And Ava Kate is going to have a full schedule! I signed her up for Genoa and YMCA soccer. She really enjoys playing and I like the YMCA because they practice quite a bit and I think that's good for her. And she started with a bang! Two break away goals and another short goal for a total of THREE! Go girl!! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Easter 2014!!

After I shipped Ava to bed, this bunny got busy! I had pretty much everything ready and just needed to set it out.

And this bunny didn't forget our sweet little one in China. Ava thought it was "so cool" the Easter Bunny brought Addy a basket! 

We had a pretty Frozen filled Easter with a little Ninja Turtle mixed in. Yep, that sums up my girl pretty well. And matching bathing suits for Ava and Addy!

After the Easter craziness settled down, we got dressed in our Sunday best and headed to church. I wanted to take a picture but no one was here to take it. So...I experimented with the self timer. Not too bad, huh? And yes, Mama H...there was the "hurry up" dance!

We hosted Easter this year with my family. My cousin, Lisa and I decided to up the anty on the egg hunt this year and turned it into a scavenger hunt. We kept it simple to see how they would do and they loved it!! Next year, it will be bigger and better. 

The end prize!

We had a fantastic day! And I have to share this sweetness...While I was putting the finishing touches on everything, I saw this. And had to capture. So incredibly sweet. I can't believe she stopped moving to sit and enjoy a chat with her Daddy. 

Hope you had a great Easter!!!

Westside Market

Saturday was spent in Cleveland with Uncle George, Nick, Megan and Will. Oh, and Leilani. The plan of the day was Westside Market. I don't know that I have ever seen John so excited! While this wasn't necessarily the place for me, he loved it. There were rows and rows of fresh fruit, cheese, bread, and raw meat. If you know me at all, this is not a good mix. Westside Market is also home to a gyro place that was featured on Man vs. Food. There was no way my husband was leaving without one. So, he waited. For an hour. What, what??

And he claims it was worth the wait. Whatever. 

Ava was sooo bored while John was waiting. This did help though. Ninja Turtle Oreo cookies!

And I can't complain too much about waiting for John. I took Ava into the little cafe' to grab a little something to eat. This was a life changing experience for me. My favorite food (other than birthday cake) is macaroni and cheese. I can eat it for every meal. It's always been my go to meal. My friends even left me a lifetime supply in our senior wills. Ha! Anyhow, we each ordered a side of it. It was mouth watering, creamy, amazeness. No lie. I have since googled the recipe and found the copy cat recipe. We hung around the market a bit more and the guys hit up a brewery while Megan and I took the girls for a ride in the car hoping for naps. We finished up with dinner with everyone before we made the ride home. And according to Ava, we had to HURRY! The Easter Bunny was coming!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

This is for you, Uncle Carl!!

After breakfast with the Easter Bunny we spent the rest of the day in Cleveland with Uncle George, Will, Nick, Megan, and Leilani. We went to Westside Market, the guys went to a couple of breweries, and Megan and I took care of the kids. After dinner I was told we were super close to The Christmas Story house. I had to at least go see it. We didn't go in. I'll save that for Uncle Carl.

Breakfast with The Easter Bunny

About a month ago I had seen our friends, The Skiver's, were going to Breakfast with The Easter Bunny in Medina. I thought about it and decided we would go and incorporate a visit with family. We woke up around 9 at Kalahari and headed to Medina. We got Emmett and Ava matching shirts. Super duper cute!
We had a great time and got to enjoy time with Skivers and some of the Houghtaling family! And a visit with the Easter Bunny. Twice. Yes, Ava realized she never told him what she wanted. So back we went. Where she proceeded to tell him she wanted a cowboy hat and toy guns that make noise. And I knew she wasn't going to have either of those things in her basket. Haha!

We had a great time and so glad we went! 


We decided to start Easter weekend in a big way and took a vacation day! And headed to Kalahari. We don't have too many pictures because we left everything in the room so we could just enjoy ourselves. We got there around 1:00 and headed straight to the water park. We swam, rode the slides, and swam come more. We headed back to the room around 5:00 for family nap time. Everyone must have really needed it. We slept for 3 hours!!! We woke up, put on our cold, still wet suits on and headed back to the water park. I took my camera this time...

We swam for another few hours and headed back to the room to change clothes for dinner. We had dinner at 9:30 at night. We were absolutely starving! Haha! And little girls was beat down. But not before we headed for a round of putt putt. We finally collapsed in bed about midnight. But not before Ava said "This was the best day ever". Mission accomplished. 

Egg Coloring with Liv and Mo

We kicked off the Easter week with The Feather girls! Lisa came over to help me get things ready for the surprise scavenger hunt we had planned for the girls. More on that later. To keep the girls busy while we worked on stuff, I boiled two dozen eggs and loaded the vinegar filled egg dye on the table. And let them go to work!

Pretty good outcome!

Ava's Basketball Picture

I don't have her official pictures back yet, but I snapped this one hanging in the hall at The Y. Adorbs!

Monday, April 14, 2014

It's Spring, Baby!

This is the first time in a LOOONG time, we were able to go outside with no coats and wear flip flops. And it was AWESOME! It was a much needed!! Even though rumor has it snow on Tuesday. Ugh.

Friday night I headed to bunco with Nana and Jojo. We had such a good time! I am only a sub, but I do enjoy it when I get to go!

Man, we have awesome friends. And that was the theme of the weekend. Saturday morning we got up early picked up Sarah and Emmett and headed to Chick Fil A. We caught up with Ella, Roz, Junie, Thomas, and Kinley. Katie coordinated this little play date and Chick Fil A hooked it up!! We definitely received special treatment and amazing food!! A few pictures from our fun time!

And something that's even cooler??? The Mama's made the Chick Fil A Facebook page!!!

After the playdate, we had to stop at Meijer and remember we had Sarah and Emmett with us. Have you ever shopped with Ava and Emmett together?
Enough said...

Saturday night we shipped Ava off to the other Heather's house to play with Jada and Mya. My mom picked her up from there and kept her overnight. John and I hosted an Owens Corning get together. We planned this back in February and we were able to keep the date and everyone was still able to come!! I had a blast! I have not laughed that hard in such a long time! Thanks so all my sweet friends for coming over!!
Sunday was a errand/catch up day. Well for John and I anyhow. Ava got another day of play. Pat and Jenni invited her over to play and go bowling. Therefore, pictures are courtesy of Jenni.

It's a busy week for the Houghtaling's! But lots of fun stuff going on! Stay tuned....

Varsity Basketball Cheer