Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sledding. UnCork The Artist, and More Snow

Ava had a fun long weekend! On Thursday she stayed home with Daddy and they went sledding! I'm so glad John enjoys this because it's not my thing. While it was pretty cold, they had a blast!

Friday night, my mom hosted her Bunco group at our house. So I shipped John and Ava down to the Man Cave to let these fun ladies relax after a long week. Ava was so excited for their "party"! She was all ready for when Daddy got home for work!
Daddy brought home a pizza and let Ava pick out a movie. I went down to snap a picture and they were watching a Flintstone Christmas Carol! Haha!
While scrolling on Facebook on Friday afternoon, I saw a post about a painting class for kids. We have this cool new place in Toledo called Uncork The Artist. It's mostly for adults, but she was offering a kids class. I called my friend Jen and asked if she wanted to bring her son, Gavin. They decided to join us and both kids had a blast!!

The whole group got together at the end with their pictures. It was so fun! If you have the chance, GO!

Today we had plans to go see The Lego Movie. But John called from work and said the roads were bad to hang tight if we could. So we stayed home and finished up the Valentines for her class. While we just got a couple of inches, we have this on our radar. I'm not going to lie. It's a countdown....

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