Monday, December 29, 2014

The True Meaning of Christmas

This past week, this little elf and I were opened to another side of living. 

We were invited to assist John in delivering gifts to the families adopted by BP employees. We decided to take Ava along because I wanted her to see that everything isn't always roses. And I didn't realize I needed the lesson, as well. We got to BP early and helped organize the gifts. And that took some time. The thoughtfulness of the employees was mind blowing 

After we were done, we waited for Santa. And he may look familiar. Because he's my husband. Haha!

The first stop was a local BP station where John and Ava stood out and waved to passing cars, handed out candy and gifts to those who stopped for gas. Ava was loving every minute of this!!

And then we headed to the two different houses. This was a true eye opening experience for all those involved. To see what BP was able to do for these true families in need was such a humbling experience. There was not a dry eye in the house. You would have to be made of stone to not feel the emotions. 

Ava did fantastic!!! I don't know if I have ever been more proud. She interacted with the kids, handed out candy, and was so fun! Love that girl! And she couldn't wait to get home to finish the night off dressing as the big guy herself. 

I can only hope that we are invited to participate in this again next year. 

The Lights Before Christmas at The Zoo

On Monday after we picked up Uncle Nate from the airport, we headed to the zoo to take in the lights. With everyone else in Toledo. But it was still fun. And almost every picture of the girls is in the wagon. They had no desire to get out. Daddy had them all snuggled in. 

My Little Lamb

We started Ava in Sunday school this year. So she was able to participate in the Christmas program. She was a lamb. And she was adorable. And you may notice she isn't wearing tights. Because she had stayed at Nana's the night before and when I went to see her before her program, she had massive holes in her tights. Apparently after Nana dropped her off she decided to pick the strings. Haha!

It was a short little skit with a few songs. She did so well! 

Christmas with our friends!

Another successful white elephant Christmas with our friends. We hosted this year. And, as always, the gnome made an appearance. We're going on seven years strong on this one!

And I tried a self timer shot. Not too bad….It needs a good edit and my iPhoto isn't working. So...

Winter Wonderland

We decided for the first time EVER to take the girls to Winter Wonderland at Tam O Shanter. I didn't think it was completely worth the money, but I'm pretty sure the girls did. They LOVED it. The moving scenes, the train, the crafts, Santa, and the train. Oh, my little Addy could have rode that thing all night and all day. We did the unlimited and they rode it about 6 times. True story.

This Santa was much better than Bass Pro.

We read stories and wrote letters to Santa. 

But the highlight of my visit was the multi cultural area. And finding this little Chinese girl. 

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

Wednesday night (which happened to be Roz's actual birthday) I had the privilege to hang out with these lovely ladies…

For a Winter Sisters workshop!! 
These girls got to sing and dance with Anna and Elsa, make ornaments, and had a cookie treat!

Addy wouldn't go anywhere near them for a picture. Ha!!

After the workshop was over, we grabbed dinner with K and Roz. And these kids crack me up. 

 The sisters were still there and Addy and Roz were still captivated. Ava was more into her nuggets.

A fun time was had by all! How many mama's can claim a selfie with Elsa and Anna???

USW Christmas Party

Last Saturday the United Steel Workers hosted a Christmas party for the families. John had to work but I took the the girls because it's always a nice party. I have to share a story first. Which will explain why Addy has blue lips in every picture.

We got in and I got the girls juice from water coolers and I got myself some coffee. We sat down at the table and Addy GUZZLED her juice. She inhaled it. I thought "Wow, she must be really thirsty." And then Ava takes a drink and said something isn't right. I looked and realized the juice was pure concentrate. These wonderful men who throw this party didn't mix it with water. Haha! So, Addy's face was stained blue and I got them water to drink. Hahahaha!!!

There were cookies and games and then the big guy arrived!

Addy did better with this one. She didn't cry on his lap. Just picked her nose. 

But Ava got her full time and went through her list item by item. 

The girls both walked away with gift cards to Toys R Us which Ava was dying to spend. So once Daddy got home, we went for a nice family dinner at Hooter's. 

And headed to Toys R Us for these girls to do some damage. 

Ava picked out a light up watch and Addy picked out the Pup Pad from Paw Patrol. 
Happy Girls!!

Varsity Basketball Cheer