Thursday, November 7, 2013

Trick or Treat 2013

Due to heavy rain and strong winds, our Trick or Treat was postponed until Saturday this year. It was a little sprinkly, but wasn't too bad. Ava doesn't usually last too long. Everyone goes up to my Grandma's  so the kids can Trick or Treat together. Love the costumes this year!!

We have a route the we follow and Ava didn't disappoint this year. We made it through and then she was done. We went back to my Grandma's and she enjoyed handing out candy to everyone!!
Genoa was absolutely crazy this year. We were a different night than Toledo, therefore, we had extreme amount of, ahem, kids. I'm truly surprised by the amount of adults who came around that didn't even have kids with them. And the taxi's on Main St. We usually have about 150 - 200 kids. Yea, this year they handed out 460 pieces. Craaaaazy!!

After everyone else went home, we sat down with my mom, Grandma, and Emily and played full card Yahtzee. It was so fun!! Another successful Halloween in the books.

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