Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A very special email message

Miss Ava received a very important email last night. A video message from the big guy in red. She watched it no less than 50 times and kept yelling "I want a guinea pig!"

Monday, November 25, 2013

Go Bucks!!!

On Saturday, John and I headed to Columbus for the Ohio State football game! While this was my first game, it certainly wasn't John's. The original plan was to tailgate but we offered tickets to the actual game, too!!

We left pretty early on Saturday morning (after we decorated our faces!) and dropped Ava at Nana's. She was really struggling with the fact that it was still dark out. Haha!

After dropping Ava off, we started the trek to Columbus. We got to the site and got all set up. John's friend, Lee, brought his RV so we were able to go inside when the cold got too bad. I have to admit through it all, I wasn't totally freezing. I invested in some warm socks and had lots of layers on!!! We had friends and family join us! We had tons of fun tailgating!! 

And then it was time to go to the game. My niece Jolie and I have never been so we took the tickets. It was pretty cold and a pretty far walk so we opted for another form of transportation....
We got the stadium and got to our seats...wow, we were up there!! With that wind and the snow kicking in, there was some pretty brutal moments!!
We stayed for the first half and the half time show. The OSU Marching Band did not disappoint...It was worth it!!!
We stayed the night in the RV and headed home first thing Sunday morning. We were definitely in need of a relaxing day.

And this week is Michigan. The week I need to shut down my Facebook and move to the other bedroom. Haha! He isn't that bad. But I do consider staying off Facebook. Pet Peeve: Smack talk about OSU/Michigan.

But I'll still be rooting! Go Bucks!!!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Thanksgiving Celebration #1 - Friends!

Last Saturday we celebrated Thanksgiving with our friends!! Heather hosted this year and it was so fun! It was completely casual and all the kids got to play together. We had tons of yummy food...

Locked the kids in the basement -- Haha!!

Tried desperately to get a picture of all the kids together....

And settled for a picture of us instead....

Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Confessions

This week flew for me!! I love those kind of weeks!! We have a pretty big weekend planned...I'm going to my first ever OSU game! Although, I'm not looking forward to the weather, I'm super excited!!!

Let's confess....

1. We broke a big rule last night. We did. We snuck a picture with Santa. (hanging my head in shame). We took an impromptu trip to the mall and Ava begged me to sit on Santa's lap!!! I didn't want to get a picture package because the cheapest one is $27!! And Bass Pro is free?? Thanks, I'll pass. But I still wanted a picture, right? So I had Hannah sneak a picture. Not bad for a sneak...Haha!
2. I confess I have never seen a child clean a chicken bone like my child. The other night we went to BDub's for dinner and I got her an adult meal and I got a kids meal???? And we both cleaned out plates!

3. I confess that I am so loving all the Christmas peppermint stuff! Coffees and candies and smells and just yumminess. Hershey's Peppermint Bark? Buy it. You will thank me.

4. I confess that I am super bummed about my Sirius radio expiring. I got it free for a year with my car. On December 17th, we will part ways. And I'm going to miss that little bugger....

5. I confess that I do NOT love Peanut Butter pop tarts! Yep, I said it. Pop tarts, chocolate, and peanut butter. Recipe for amazeness. And I just don't think it is. I've tried twice and I'm just not in love. Sorry, Kellogg's!

And I got a little bonus parenting trip for you today! How nice am I??? If you are looking for a way to get your child to lay out their clothes the night before, pop up out of bed all bright eyed and bushy tailed, get dressed, and hair combed and shoes on, completely unpromted...
Just buy them a new Jake shirt. Guaranteed success!!! She was ready to leave before my hair was even dried!

Have a great weekend!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

My Favorite Picture

Ava: Mom, do you know that picture of me and you in China?
Sara: Which one, honey?
Ava: When we were laying on the bed and laughing? That's my favorite picture.

And this may have been my most favorite moment ever. And I got it captured in a picture. Perfection.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Annual Holiday Parade!

Do you ever take your child to a function that you think "it's not that big of deal" and then realize that your child is amazed and it warms your heart to see her so excited?!?!?!?

I last minute decided to take Ava downtown to the Annual Holiday Parade. We bundled up and parked at OC. We found a spot and snuggled in. I had never been before so I didn't know what she would think. She LOVED it!!! I'm so glad we went!!! And it got us in the holiday spirit! But I'm still not putting up my tree...Haha!  

 Afterwards we went to do a little holiday shopping. Little girl HAD to have this new jersey! How could I tell her no? And soon after she stripped in the car to put it on, the Buckeyes scored a touchdown!! GO BUCKS!!!

Cleft Clinic

 On Thursday we had Ava's annual Cleft Clinic appointment. Her appointment was at 9:30 and she has been begging to come to work with me. I figured this was the perfect time since it wouldn't be too long. She was pretty good except for the farting. She let a big one rip! Everyone pretended like they didn't hear it, but I know they did. And then I explained to her that when she has to fart, it's time to go into the bathroom to handle it in private. Haha!!!

We got to the appointment and settle into a room. It was all fun and games at first!

But then we waited and waited. Did I mention we waited some more??? Well, I did. Ava, well, see below...

She perked right up when the first Dr. came in and promptly asked him why they still had skeletons up because Halloween is over. Skeletons being the skull replica that I'm sure they use to show facial bones. Haha!! The Dr. took it all in stride.

We had a great appointment!! No changes or anything to worry about right now. We will be looking at surgery probably around the time she turns 7. Of course she doesn't understand that. She thought they were going to rush her into surgery! Poor girl.

We currently have no cable at our house after the storms on Sunday. So we have been doing alot of this....
I'm thankful that all we have is no cable. Some people lost their homes, some lost personal belongings. We were lucky! But pray for my dad. He lost a portion of his roof, but luckily it was covered by homeowners and is being replaced today. They are still without power and have been staying in a hotel. Keep them in your prayers!!!

Friday, November 15, 2013


Hello, Friday!!! You are welcomed with open arms today! Let's get to it, shall we??

1. I confess that Ava doesn't know the perfect timing just yet. The other day John and I were having a little heated discussion about the garage door. Right in the middle of it, Ava yells "Dad! Can I have a guinea pig for Christmas?" Need to work on that timing thing...but it did get us laughing! Haha!

2. I confess whoever invented the chocolate peanut butter pop tarts may be one of my most favorite people EVER!!!

Chilling at Mommy's work for a bit 

3. I confess sometimes I wish I had my own room and my own bed. I love my husband and my child. However, they both take about 3 minutes to get situated to go to sleep and it's so annoying!!

4. I confess that I keep a secret stash of Ben & Jerry's in my freezer. I found out last night it's not such a secret any longer and also is no longer there. John and Ava polished it off. Thanks, family! :)

I love how this kid plays...
Have a great weekend! It's going to be so weird not going to a football game tonight!!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Meeting Baby Aubrey and the darned garage door!!!

Ava's teacher at school, Miss Ashley, had a beautiful baby girl back in October. And last night, we got to go over to meet Little Aubrey Kathryn!! What a little peanut!!!
After leaving Ashley's we had to rush home to meet the garage door guy....So let me give you a little backstory...

Tuesday night, we came home from work and school and the garage door wouldn't open more than 6 inches. John was working. It was freezing. It was raining. It was windy. Not a great night for this to happen. So I called Kelly, my neighbor, because what else was I supposed to do? Lol!! She told me to come over for dinner. I cracked up and asked how that was supposed to get me in my house. So we went to dinner and then Kelly and I came back over to force the door open. Well, genius Sara parked her car in the garage. And closed it. I was thinking John would fix it in the morning. Well, he couldn't. And we couldn't force the door open again. So my car was stuck. After a pleading Facebook post, we found a guy who came out same day. We have new springs and my car is out of the garage! Woohoo!! You were pretty interested in the project and posted camp in the kitchen to keep an eye on Pete, the garage door guy!

So thankful today for friends with great connections!!

Leilani Turns 1!!

On Sunday we headed down to Medina for Leilani's first birthday party!!! We rode down with Liz and Quinn. I love our rides to Medina with them!! It was a great day with the Houghtaling clan!

 Leilani was rocking her little outfit! 

And I think it's safe to say that she liked her cake, too!!

Happy Birthday, Lei Lei!! We love you!!

Football, Feta, Breaking Dawn, and Aunt Tammy!

I kicked off Friday night watching The Comets taking on the Bryan Golden Bears. Heather was a gem and let you kick it at her house so you wouldn't freeze at the game with me! Unfortunately, Genoa lost. They tied it up with four minutes to go but threw an interception at the very end. Boo!! It was a great season!!

Saturday we headed to Swig for lunch. We ordered the hot feta dip. Of course...:) Anyhow, Daddy asked you if you wanted some. You fought it a little and then took a nibble. And then another nibble. The next thing we knew you were shoving it in your mouth, you were hoarding the flatbread, and hands and face were covered. Pretty safe to say, we share the love of feta!!

After lunch we headed to Grandma's because Aunt Tammy was released from the hospital!! Two weeks ago she had a double knee replacement. She is doing great so they sprung her early!

Quite the welcoming committee!

Saturday night was girls night and Mommy invited her friends over and we had a Breaking Dawn marathon!! We watched Part 1 and Part 2! I had only seen Part 2 once and it was the day after I got my tonsils out so I wasn't completely with it. Haha!! 

We had a great weekend! Next up...Leilani's Birthday!!

Friday, November 8, 2013


1. I confess that I am sooo excited for the football game tonight! It's the first playoff game. Rumor is it's going to be a tough one, so keep your fingers crossed.

2. I confess I'm going to miss this guy so much!! He's my BFF at work and moved to Washington DC. BOO!
3. I confess I love my Wednesday night Ernesto's play dates with Heather and Megan. The girls have a blast and so do we! And they are so excited for the moustache's at the end. Their treat for bring good!!
4. I confess that I ordered  my Christmas cards today. I like to believe that I am a one holiday at a time. But there is so much that goes into Christmas that I like to have everything done so I can actually enjoy the season. You will not see my tree up before Thanksgiving, but my cards will be addressed and ready to go!! Haha!!

5. I confess I am so proud of John and I and our budget. We are both in the zone and it's showing! Yea us!!!

I hope you have a great weekend! Roadtrip on Sunday for us!

Thursday, November 7, 2013


Dear Olivia,

How is it possible that you are 10 years old?? From the moment your mom told me she was pregnant with you, I felt this special connection to you. I would sing to you and push your mom's belly so hard so that you would kick me!! I drove 5 hours to Pennsylvania to see you for the first time. It was so worth the hour visit. You were so beautiful!! Your birth came at a time when you mom and Nonny were so low, that you are nothing short than a blessing from God. You have grown into a beautiful young girl and I'm so proud of you!! I love you my little LiviLuLu!!

I love that we both squish our faces when we smile. You, my girl, are awesome!! Have the happiest of birthdays! You deserve it!!!

Trick or Treat 2013

Due to heavy rain and strong winds, our Trick or Treat was postponed until Saturday this year. It was a little sprinkly, but wasn't too bad. Ava doesn't usually last too long. Everyone goes up to my Grandma's  so the kids can Trick or Treat together. Love the costumes this year!!

We have a route the we follow and Ava didn't disappoint this year. We made it through and then she was done. We went back to my Grandma's and she enjoyed handing out candy to everyone!!
Genoa was absolutely crazy this year. We were a different night than Toledo, therefore, we had extreme amount of, ahem, kids. I'm truly surprised by the amount of adults who came around that didn't even have kids with them. And the taxi's on Main St. We usually have about 150 - 200 kids. Yea, this year they handed out 460 pieces. Craaaaazy!!

After everyone else went home, we sat down with my mom, Grandma, and Emily and played full card Yahtzee. It was so fun!! Another successful Halloween in the books.

Varsity Basketball Cheer