Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Prep

I went to work today panicking about how I'm going to get everything ready for forward 14 hours and I'm proud to say I have a handle on it. Although it's 9:37 and I haven't sat down since I got up this morning.

First up...My girl needed to see the Easter Bunny. She had super important information to share with him.
She did excellent but wouldn't get off his lap at first. I said "ok, good job! Come on!" She comes over and says "I thought I would get a canny can". Translation: Where the hell is my candy cane, bunny??? After we explained those were a Christmas treat, she was ok. I myself keep laughing everytime I think of it! LOL!

We came home and these two girls were super busy in the kitchen...
We made cupcakes for her school treat tomorrow! Ava was a huge help! She really was!!

We wrapped all of our plastic ware for Easter. Yes, I know! They look like carrots!! Guess where I got the idea? Pinterest...
And we are trying something new that I also saw on Pinterest. We are baking our eggs instead of boiling them. They are still in the oven so I'm not sure how they will turn out. Now, we will be all ready to color them on Saturday.
Looking forward to the weekend! I love Easter!!! All dressed up in frilly dresses, hunting for eggs, oh, and chowing on Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs...Have I mentioned I love Easter candy??

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