Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!!!

I'm exhausted....our Easter started at 6am and never stopped until 8:30 pm. I promise a better update, but for now I leave you this...Peppa boots and all.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Easter Prep

I went to work today panicking about how I'm going to get everything ready for forward 14 hours and I'm proud to say I have a handle on it. Although it's 9:37 and I haven't sat down since I got up this morning.

First up...My girl needed to see the Easter Bunny. She had super important information to share with him.
She did excellent but wouldn't get off his lap at first. I said "ok, good job! Come on!" She comes over and says "I thought I would get a canny can". Translation: Where the hell is my candy cane, bunny??? After we explained those were a Christmas treat, she was ok. I myself keep laughing everytime I think of it! LOL!

We came home and these two girls were super busy in the kitchen...
We made cupcakes for her school treat tomorrow! Ava was a huge help! She really was!!

We wrapped all of our plastic ware for Easter. Yes, I know! They look like carrots!! Guess where I got the idea? Pinterest...
And we are trying something new that I also saw on Pinterest. We are baking our eggs instead of boiling them. They are still in the oven so I'm not sure how they will turn out. Now, we will be all ready to color them on Saturday.
Looking forward to the weekend! I love Easter!!! All dressed up in frilly dresses, hunting for eggs, oh, and chowing on Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs...Have I mentioned I love Easter candy??

Sunday, March 24, 2013


This will be a picture-less post...there are a few things I have to share! :)

  • I confess we finally traded our PC and got a MacBook Air. So far, I'm loving it! 
  • I confess I finally got my BMI where I needed for our dossier. Hopefully, it will be on it's way to China in a couple of weeks. 
  • I confess since I got my BMI there, I have been on an Easter candy's the best holiday candy! 
  • I confess I made 10 bottles of laundry soap today. It should last us quite a few months. Check. 
  • I confess that I am PISSED that Genoa McDonalds quit carrying caffeine free Diet Coke. 
  • I confess I'm super excited about our next trip away even though it will mean 3 nights away from my special girl. 
Ok, that's all I got for now. Hope you had a fantastic weekend!!

Easter Egg Hunt

Saturday morning we took Ava to the YMCA for their annual Easter Egg Hunt. While she didn't find the golden egg, she rocked the hunt! If they were counting totals, I think she would have won! She didn't slow down until they were all gone!!

Kid Rock

John and I had tickets to the Kid Rock/BuckCherry concert Friday night. We had seen BuckCherry a few years ago and loved them! That was the icing on the cake when we heard about Kid Rock!! We met another couple at Pizza Papalis for dinner and then headed over to Huntington Center. What a great night! Kid Rock was awesome! He is quite the entertainer!! Lots of fireworks and great music. However, if I get called for a random drug test at work this week, I hope I can pass it from all the secondhand smoke....:)

Friday, March 22, 2013

TMA -- More Pictures

Here are a few pictures from our fun at the museum. We had a great time this night with Roz, Emmett, and Thomas!! We even went afterwards to get ice cream and gots lots of tickles from Emmett!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Bon Jovi

Last Wednesday I was sitting at work and my cousin texted me the following message..

Do you know anyone who would be interested in Bon Jovi tickets for Saturday? I know anyone? Who loves Bon Jovi? Who has Jon Bon Jovi as the #1 on her "list"?


I called John and he agreed to get the tickets!!Whoop, whoop! Well, long story short...JHo sacrificed his ticket for my BFF, Amy. He said she would get more out of it then him. We agreed! John still went down to Cleveland with us and we all met George at Buca Di Beppo for dinner. Amazing food! But back to the concert. We were 20th row on the floor! That's right! Between that and my zoom on my camera, I was in love!! And I have a new found love for Richie Sambora...whew...And those men played for 3 straight hours!! HEAVEN!!


A few weekends ago we got a message from a fellow travel family. They were going to be in the area and asked if we wanted to meet. I invited them over for lunch so the girls could play. It's amazing how big they have gotten!! Ava and Eliana were not the best of friends at first, but Aunt Tammy saved the day and brought stuff for milkshakes. And amazingly the girls were BFF's from there.


Chloe is doing really well. I have to admit, puppies are hard work though!! Potty training is definitely better, we're down to very few accidents. However, the biting is horrible!! And she's got some sharp teeth! Poor Ava is like a chew toy for her. We've tried a few different things and talked to pet trainers. But we are open to options if anyone can share. :)

She loves to walk across the pool cover and wade through the water. She loves her babies and toys! She is definitely getting big! She weighed 12 lbs when we got her and now she weights 20 lbs!! Her paws are awesome! They are like gigantic pancakes! LOL! She even graduated from puppy school!! So proud!

Art Museum

Our friend, Heather, recently introduced to the Art Museum. How did I not know this existed? She invited us on a Friday to join her and Ella. It was such a wonderful time! We actually went back the next weekend (although I have no pictures). If any of the Mama's there that night can share any??

Anyhow, we met for dinner and then went to the family center. There is painting, crafts, puppets, trains, dishes and all other kinds of stuff for kids to do! I can see many more Friday evenings at the museum.

Thanks, Heather for introducing us to some culture! Haha!!

We're Baaaaacccckkkk!

My computer is fixed, but not doing well. Poor girl. Although, I have to admit she is about 7 years old and literally been all over the world. Needless to say, we are computer shopping this weekend. So bare with me while I play catch up! 

Glad to be back in the blog world!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Miss me???

I should have my computer back tomorrow!! Can't wait! Lots of stuff to share!

Sunday, March 3, 2013


My computer is acting up again so I'm taking it in to be fixed. I decided this was a great time for a blog break. I'll be back soon with lots of great stories. Is there any other kind when you live with Ava??? Haha!

Talk soon!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Fun with Jada and Mya!

My friend Heather called me on Thursday in a bind. Her babysitter has cancelled and they had dinner reservations! UGH! She has helped me out in the past and her girls are excellent, so of course we agreed!! The girls had a great time together! They had dinner, watched lots of cartoons, and had a dance party! We can't wait for the next time!!

Varsity Basketball Cheer