Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Birthdays, Birthdays!!!

We had a double birthday party day on Saturday! We got to celebrate Sawyer's 1st Birthday and Jordyn's 4th birthday!! Ava had a great day and behaved so well at both parties. Proud Mama!!

All of the kids were super excited about presents! They blocked the view!!
Waiting for his cake!!
Lovin' his smash cake!!
It was so cute when we went to leave. Ava said I want to give Sawyer a kiss. She walked up to him while smashing his cake and she said "I'm not kissin' that kid, he's a mess!" LOL!!

Luckily Jordyn was a good sport and allowed Ava to be right in the middle of opening presents.

Isn't this picture precious??

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love! The words that come out of Ava's mouth are beyond priceless!! Love that little girl of yours!
