Sunday, August 5, 2012

Medina County Fair

Friday night we packed up the car and went to Medina for the night. Yes, we travel for fair food. John claims it's the best, but I think it's all the same. A funnel cake is a funnel cake if you ask me. But what mattered most was Ava had a blast!!
Uncle George treated her to a pony ride and Daddy bought her a cowboy hat! She was stylin'!
And then came the best part. The highlight of Ava's year. You see, my girls favorite animal is a PIG! She is obsessed, asks daily for a baby pig, watches every pig cartoon there is. So, when we saw this, she was stoked!
But when she did this, ICING.ON.THE.CAKE.
She keeps talking about it. I'm still searching for a baby pig for her to hold and play with for awhile. If anyone has connections....:)

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