Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Fresh Beat Band

Tonight I took Ava and Jordyn to see The Fresh Beat Band at the Toledo Zoo!
It was a great show! It started at 6:00, which was kind of a pain in the beginning but was totally beneficial when the show wrapped up at 7:30!!
There was lots of singing, dancing, and clapping! And Fresh Beat Band did alot of it too!! We saw Jada and lots of other friends, too!
I had a small overwhelming moment at the concert. I was just so happy to be able to take her to this concert and seeing how much she loved it! I am just so proud of her and how far she has come.
To see this look on her face when they took the stage...
It was like she couldn't believe it was real! LOVE.
I would say it was a pretty successful night. T-shirts, flashlights, beautiful weather, and popcorn??
Who could ask for anything more??

Monday, August 27, 2012

Movin' On Up!

It's official. My four year had moved to the four year old room. Sigh...Although it seems this tradition is going to better!! Woohoo!!

1st Day in Four Year Old Room

And here she is one year ago...1st Day in Three Year Old Room
And (sniff, sniff), 1st Day in Two Year Old Room
My girl is growing up!!

Gymnastics is Back!

The fall season of gymnastics has started back up. Unfortunately, it has moved from Wednsday evenings to Saturday mornings. Though we are usually up by then, we are usually busy on Saturdays. I hope we can make it as often. Ava was super excited to get back and got right back into the swing of things.

And I so wish this picture was in focus. Alaina is a little girl in her class. She was fussin' a bit and her mom told her to straighten up. Ava asked her mom "why you mad at her?" Her mom said "she isn't listening, will you tell her to listen to me?" And that she did...LOL!

Let's Go Comets!!!

The long awaited time has come! Football Friday!!! This past Friday marked the start of football season for the Comets. Though I didn't take my camera to the game, I snapped one of my girl before!!

We beat Ottawa Hills 58-7. Great start to the season!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Dinner with Jada

We caught up with our friend, Jada tonight! She sure has changed since we saw her last year! Ava, of course, treated her like a little baby. And had a complete meltdown when John held Jada. Oh, I can't wait to see how she does with a sister!!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Free Movie Night

Saturday night, The Lorax was playing at The Big Dipper, our local ice cream shop. They had a little outdoor screen where they showed the movie. So, we loaded up chairs and blankets, picked up cousin Jordyn and headed up town. It was a little chilly, but it was great!! The girls loved it. And it was free ice cream for kids under 5. A free night and 2 happy little girls. SUCCESS! Nana, JoJo, Tammy, and Emily joined us, too!

Sara's Bachelorette Party!!!

Friday night, my BFF's and I headed to Kelley's Island to celebrate the bride to be! We kept it small and low key which is the way I like it. :) The bachelorette ended the night with her  head on the bar, so it's safe to say it was a success!

No incriminating photos....:)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

My Little Cheerleader!!

Ava got her cheerleading uniform today! She was so stoked!!!

Dinner with Grandpa and Tina

This past weekend was Tina's birthday. We celebrated at Texas Roadhouse!!

And there was a certain four year old little girl who SMASHED on some ribs!!! Guess next time we'll pass the chicken strips.

Sara's Shower

My best friend, Sara is getting married in a month!!! Ahh!!! I'm so excited for her! Ava and I are both in the bridal party. Ava's first wedding gig as a flower girl. Double Ahh!!!

This past Saturday we hosted her bridal shower. It was so nice! We had it at 11 and served a brunch. I really enjoyed having it early. We were all cleaned up and home by 3!

The bride to be with her gifts!
The food table!
The YUMM-O donut cake!
The Bridal Party! Can't wait to celebrate with these girls!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Fabulous Pictures, Fabulous Friends

Thursday night we put on our rain boots, grabbed the Olivia the Pig umbrella, and headed downtown to the restaurant Weekdays. Our awesome friend, Heather, had her fabulous pictures on display. Her photos are amazing and were captured while they were in China. The best part...a majority of our FCC friends were there to help celebrate!!

Ava and the guest of honor...

Sweet, sweet Roz
Roz just returned from vacation and she walked up to me at the restaurant and said "When I was in Florida, I  missed you". How sweet is that??

Ava and EllaRozzie

Checking out the party below

Ava, Emmett, and Roz trying to stay dry in the restaurant :)

We'll use this picture for the wedding video

If you are in the Toledo area, I highly suggest stopping in and checking out her pictures. :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

S'more, please!

Daddy got a new toy. The new propane fire pit is our version of a bonfire. :) So, of course, we had to make S'mores!!
Hannah came over to join us and her and Ava enjoyed a late night swim!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Medina County Fair

Friday night we packed up the car and went to Medina for the night. Yes, we travel for fair food. John claims it's the best, but I think it's all the same. A funnel cake is a funnel cake if you ask me. But what mattered most was Ava had a blast!!
Uncle George treated her to a pony ride and Daddy bought her a cowboy hat! She was stylin'!
And then came the best part. The highlight of Ava's year. You see, my girls favorite animal is a PIG! She is obsessed, asks daily for a baby pig, watches every pig cartoon there is. So, when we saw this, she was stoked!
But when she did this, ICING.ON.THE.CAKE.
She keeps talking about it. I'm still searching for a baby pig for her to hold and play with for awhile. If anyone has connections....:)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy Ohio Adoption Day!

Today we finalized Ava's adoption in the State of Ohio. Basically, this means she will FINALLY get her Ohio birth certificate. Which is crucial now that she will need a passport for her big travel to China!! The judge was awesome and so nice to us and especially Ava. The judge gave her a little gavel. Although Ava keeps using it to check everyones reflexes. Haha!!

Have you seen the calf?

Last Sunday night was a typical night in the Houghtaling house...watching TV and getting ready for our weekly trip to Mel O Creme. And then the phone rang...

It was our friend Keith and his father in laws 300 lb. calf jumped the fence and they were calling for anyone who could help round up said calf. So...we loaded up in the car with mud boots and of course the camera.

Sadly, the calf STILL hasn't been caught and hasn't been seen since Monday night. So, if you live in the Curtice/Genoa/Clay Center area and see this calf, please let us know!
However while Daddy was prowling the fields, Ava enjoyed visiting the pigs. Ava LOVES pigs! She kept complaining about the smell. So, I explained that not all pigs are like Olivia and Peppa.

Varsity Basketball Cheer