Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Chuck E Cheese and Ice Cream!!

We're here! And we're ok!! Just been spring cleaning and getting ready for a garage sale. And then we didn't have internet for 3 days! Unfortunately, I don't have alot to share.:(

But we did take Ava to Chuck E Cheese on Friday night. Not quite sure what we were thinking...it was CRAZY INSANE!! But all that matters is that Ava loved it! Especially this horse!!
Dancing her heart out!And finished up with some yummy ice cream at Cold Stone!
Also, we have made a couple of big purchases this week. One for Ava and one for Mommy and Daddy! Stay tuned! I can't wait to share!! Oh, and a big shout out to H. for the assistance with the Mommy/Daddy purchase!

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