Sunday, January 8, 2012


Lately my friend Courtney and I have been obsessed with Pinterest. We also introduced it to Tricia recently. So we decided to have a craft day on Saturday to start some of our projects.
First up...canvas print with a picture or saying done in glue. After it dries, you paint it all the same color. See the result at the bottom!
Next up? My sign that says FAMILY. I spray pained a wooden plaque and bought the wooden letters that Tricia and I decorated.
In it's final place. But I still need more up there....Back to the pin boards...:)
And my final glue/canvas print. My kitchen is done in wine/grapes/glasses...This was definitely a group effort. Tricia found the picture, Courtney drew it out, I traced it in glue, and John painted it for me!! Haha!!
I was pretty happy with the way everything turned out. I just found my next project today! It's for our bedroom....Stay tuned!!

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